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* The results are ranked by score, rate the entry or search the entry by google or pubmed
Acronym Full Name Score Rating Judge me Search
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy 37 0 good bad
TAH total artificial heart 30 2 good bad
TAH total hysterectomy 2 4 good bad
TAH total artificial hearts 2 3 good bad
TAH Tahyna 2 1 good bad
TAH transabdominal hysterectomy 2 0 good bad
TAH Tikur Anbessa Hospital 1 0 good bad
TAH thiopentone group 1 0 good bad
TAH transient arterial hypoxemia 1 0 good bad
TAH Transfusion associated Hepatitis 1 -1 good bad
TAH Transient Arterial Hypertension 1 -2 good bad

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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002