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Acronym Full Name Score Rating Judge me Search
wt wild-type 462 1 good bad
wt wild type 236 2 good bad
wt Wilms' tumor 34 -1 good bad
wt weight 17 2 good bad
wt wavelet transform 15 0 good bad
wt Wilms Tumor 11 4 good bad
wt wall thickening 11 -2 good bad
wt wall thickness 8 6 good bad
wt Wilms' tumour 5 0 good bad
wt wild-type controls 5 -2 good bad
wt whereas wild-type 4 8 good bad
wt wild-type mice 4 5 good bad
wt wildtype 4 4 good bad
wt wild-type virus 4 4 good bad
wt wild-type littermates 4 4 good bad
wt Wilms' tumors 3 8 good bad
wt Wortmannin 3 2 good bad
wt Wingate test 3 1 good bad
wt wild-type enzyme 3 1 good bad
wt weight at 140 d of age 2 12 good bad
wt syngeneic wild-type 2 7 good bad
wt walking test 2 6 good bad
wt while wild-type 2 5 good bad
wt wiring 2 4 good bad
wt wild-type protein 2 3 good bad
wt Warthin's tumor 2 3 good bad
wt well as wild-type 2 2 good bad
wt recombined with wild-type 1 10 good bad
wt whereas immunocompetent wild-type 1 7 good bad
wt wild-type parasite 1 7 good bad
wt walls of both wild-type 1 6 good bad
wt Wilm's tumor 1 6 good bad
wt Wilm's tumour 1 6 good bad
wt Wilms tumour 1 5 good bad
wt wild-type C57BL/6 1 5 good bad
wt fed to wild-type 1 5 good bad
wt hdelta 1 5 good bad
wt wild-type allele 1 5 good bad
wt wild-type Felix O1 1 5 good bad
wt DtxR 1 5 good bad
wt wild-type IL-2 1 5 good bad
wt rBTK 1 5 good bad
wt wild-type fibroblasts 1 5 good bad
wt wild type S49 1 5 good bad
wt wild types 1 4 good bad
wt whereas wild-type C57BL/6 1 4 good bad
wt wild-type human IRS-1 cDNA 1 4 good bad
wt well trained 1 4 good bad
wt well than to wild-type 1 4 good bad
wt wild-type form 1 4 good bad
wt Pb/Ca 1 4 good bad
wt expressed endogenous wild-type 1 4 good bad
wt Wilms's tumour 1 4 good bad
wt Wilms tumors 1 4 good bad
wt W64A wild-type 1 4 good bad
wt wait time 1 4 good bad
wt are known to lack p53 1 4 good bad
wt wild-type CD43+/+ control 1 3 good bad
wt Wilton trap 1 3 good bad
wt wild type strain A364A 1 3 good bad
wt compared to the wild-type 1 3 good bad
wt wing discs from the wild-type 1 3 good bad
wt Wiener-Testsystem 1 3 good bad
wt cancers--Wilms' tumor 1 3 good bad
wt II-wild type 1 3 good bad
wt also carried lox P 1 3 good bad
wt K14E6 1 3 good bad
wt When wild-type 1 3 good bad
wt parental wild-type 1 3 good bad
wt those of wild-type mice 1 3 good bad
wt wild-type IRS-1 (IRS-1 1 3 good bad
wt well as their wild-type 1 3 good bad
wt wild-type rat alpha 1 1 3 good bad
wt weight of wild-type 1 3 good bad
wt wild-type strain 1 2 good bad
wt Wilms 1 2 good bad
wt wet tissue 1 2 good bad
wt washout ratios 1 2 good bad
wt used drug-sensitive wild-type 1 2 good bad
wt well as the wild-type malic enzyme 1 2 good bad
wt whereas membranes of wild-type 1 2 good bad
wt mirabilis 1 2 good bad
wt HIRc/Gab 1 2 good bad
wt whole toxoplasma 1 2 good bad
wt in wild-type C57BL/6J 1 2 good bad
wt wild type Fischer 344 1 2 good bad
wt wild type counterpart 1 2 good bad
wt AII-(53-70)-wild-type 1 2 good bad
wt full-length wild-type 1 2 good bad
wt weakly toxic 1 2 good bad
wt wildtype littermate controls 1 1 good bad
wt 10% 1 1 good bad
wt wild-type sequence 1 1 good bad
wt age-matched wild-type 1 1 good bad
wt whether they express wild type 1 1 good bad
wt CCR5 1 1 good bad
wt PK122 1 0 good bad
wt weight at scanning 1 0 good bad
wt old-wild type 1 0 good bad
wt wild-type control 1 0 good bad
wt While ClC-0 wild-type 1 0 good bad
wt infected with wild-type 1 0 good bad
wt genetically identical wild-type 1 0 good bad
wt whole tumor 1 0 good bad
wt either a full-length 1 0 good bad
wt wild-type BALB/c 1 0 good bad
wt week old male wild-type 1 0 good bad
wt RhoA 1 0 good bad
wt intact IRF-1 genes 1 0 good bad
wt walking time 1 0 good bad
wt transfected with wild-type 1 0 good bad
wt well as the wild-type 1 0 good bad
wt transfected with wild type 1 0 good bad
wt wild-type V79 1 0 good bad
wt wild-type p450 2B1 1 0 good bad
wt wider than wild-type 1 -1 good bad
wt weight training 1 -1 good bad
wt work 1 -1 good bad
wt UspDBD 1 -1 good bad
wt wild-type HA 1 -1 good bad
wt Smad2 1 -1 good bad
wt wild-typy 1 -1 good bad
wt wild type mice 1 -1 good bad
wt wiring transmission 1 -2 good bad
wt Without treatment 1 -2 good bad
wt RyR2 1 -2 good bad

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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002