Your Query returns 2 Accession Numbers:

Query TermAccessionNCBI TaxonidSynonymsPhenotype (OMIM) *
stonedNM_0799777227stn    ORF2    STNB    stn-B    CG12473    CT32712    stn-A and stn-B   
stonedNM_079978722720    31    32    X3    8P1    X-3    stn    ORF1    STNA    X-43    l8P1    sesC    stn-A    lR9-10    CG12500    CT33379    l(1)X-3    l(1)20Bc    l(1)13-20    stn-A and stn-B   

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* OMIM link based on symbol match for human and mouse.


Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002