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January 19, 2010, at 08:55 AM by -
Changed lines 8-9 from:
->You want to turn off many unwanted or less-used services, such as instant messengers, because they slow down your computer. You can do this in control panel or by running ''msconfig''.
->You want to turn off many unwanted or less-used services, such as instant messengers, because they slow down your computer. You can do this in control panel or by running ''msconfig''. You can also look at your the list of your ''service''.
January 15, 2009, at 09:58 AM by -
Added lines 12-14:

*%blue% Open Office
->Some students do not have PowerPoint on their personal computers. You can try the open-source version of Office software at
December 04, 2008, at 05:50 PM by -
Added lines 9-11:

*%blue% login to Linux servers
->[[ |''Putty'']] is a a good ssh-client for remote login to a Linux server. For easy file-transfer between Linux server and your windows computer, you can try [[| WinScp]].
October 23, 2008, at 05:44 PM by -
Changed line 8 from:
->You want to turn off many unwanted or less-used service, such as instant messengers, because they slow down your computer. You can do this in control panel or by running ''msconfig''.
->You want to turn off many unwanted or less-used services, such as instant messengers, because they slow down your computer. You can do this in control panel or by running ''msconfig''.
October 23, 2008, at 10:39 AM by -
Added lines 7-8:
*%blue% Turn off unwanted services
->You want to turn off many unwanted or less-used service, such as instant messengers, because they slow down your computer. You can do this in control panel or by running ''msconfig''.
October 16, 2008, at 09:54 AM by -
Added lines 3-6:

*%blue% Software in zip files
->You often will receive or download software in zip format (or other compressed packages, such as *.tar). You need to first expand the packages into a temporary place, such as your desktop, then install the program. It is better not to run the program from the zip files directly (weird things can happen here).
September 10, 2008, at 10:46 PM by -
Changed line 2 from:
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software '7zip', which is available at both and After you have installed '7zip', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select '7zip'.
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software ''7zip'', which is available at both and After you have installed ''7zip'', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select ''7zip''.
September 10, 2008, at 10:46 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:
* %blue% Compression and packaging of files
* %blue% Compressing and packaging of files
September 10, 2008, at 10:45 PM by -
Changed line 1 from:
* Compression and packaging of files
* %blue% Compression and packaging of files
September 10, 2008, at 10:30 PM by -
Changed line 2 from:
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software '7zip', which is available either at or at After you have installed '7zip', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select '7zip'.
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software '7zip', which is available at both and After you have installed '7zip', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select '7zip'.
September 10, 2008, at 10:29 PM by -
Changed line 2 from:
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software '7zip', which is available either at or at CNET. After you have installed '7zip', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select '7zip'.
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software '7zip', which is available either at or at After you have installed '7zip', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select '7zip'.
September 10, 2008, at 10:25 PM by -
Added lines 1-2:
* Compression and packaging of files
->When you want to email several files, it is better to put them into a package (often called a zip file in Windows). To do this, you can download the free compression software '7zip', which is available either at or at CNET. After you have installed '7zip', you can left-mouse-click to select the files that you want to compress and then right-mouse-click to select '7zip'.