ANEX: Alignment Neighborhood EXplorer. This directory provides two program packages, ANEX (Alignment Neighborhood Explorer) and LASTPIECE (Local Alignment STate Probabilities that Insertion-type and dEletion-type gaps Co-Exist), as well as some example outputs and documentations. << Table of Contents >> -- as of August 12 (Wed), 2020 -- < Packages > ANEX_P.ver0.7.tgz A gzipped tar archive of the package, ANEX_P (version 0.7), which constructs approximate probability distributions of alternative multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) by exploring the neighborhoods of a given input (reconstructed) MSA. The MSA probabilities are computed under a given genuine sequence evolution model with realistic insertions/deletions (indels). The package consists nearly exclusively of Perl scripts and modules, with some Shell scripts for batch analyses or for test purposes. ANEX_P.ver0.7.1.tgz A gzipped tar archive of the LATEST VERSION (ver. 0.7.1)) of ANEX_P. LASTPIECE_P.ver0.3.tgz A gzipped tar archive of the package, LASTPIECE_P (version 0.3), which quite accurately calculates the probabilities of gap-configurations of gapped segments in ancestor-descendant pairwise alignments (PWAs) under a given genuine sequence evolution model with realistic indels. The package consists exclusively of Perl scripts and modules. LASTPIECE_P.ver0.3.1.tgz A gzipped tar archive of the LATEST VERSION (ver. 0.3.1) of LASTPIECE_P. < Example Outputs > ExOutputs_ANEX.ver0.7.1.tgz A gzipped tar-archive of example files output by some scripts of ANEX_P (version 0.7.1). See "readme.ExOutputs_ANEX.ver0.7.1.txt" below for more details. ExOutputs_LASTPIECE.ver0.3.1.tgz A gzipped tar-archive of example files output by some scripts of LASTPIECE_P (version 0.3.1). See "readme.ExOutputs_LASTPIECE.ver0.3.1.txt" below for more details. < Documentations > Documents/ Directory storing some documentation files. Currently, there are four sub-directories, "Blueprints/," "Preprints/," "Presentations/" and "Published/." See the readme.Documents.txt file for more details. < README files > readme.ANEX_P.ver0.7.1.txt Description of the package, ANEX_P (version 0.7.1). (It is identical to the "README.txt" file at the top directory extracted from "ANEX_P.ver0.7.1.tgz.") readme.Documents.txt Description of the documentation files, including preprints and blueprints, that are stored under the directory, "Documents/." (It is identical to the file of the same name in the directory, "Documents/.") readme.ExOutputs_ANEX.ver0.7.1.txt Description of the archive, "ExOutputs_ANEX.ver0.7.1.tgz." (It is identical to the "README.ExOutputs_ANEX.ver0.7.txt" file at the top directory extracted from the archive.) readme.ExOutputs_LASTPIECE.ver0.3.1.txt Description of the archive, "ExOutputs_LASTPIECE.ver0.3.1.tgz." (It is identical to the "README.ExOutputs_LASTPIECE.ver0.3.txt" file at the top directory extracted from the archive.) readme.LASTPIECE_P.ver0.3.1.txt Description of the package, LASTPIECE_P (version 0.3.1). (It is identical to the "README.txt" file at the top directory extracted from "LASTPIECE_P.ver0.3.1.tgz.")