OMIM :  600993


CGAP : 75862




  • SMAD4

  • DPC4

  • MAD (mothers against decapentaplegic, Drosophila) homolog 4



Chromosome human




  • Biliopancreatic malignancy: screening the at risk patient with molecular markers. Caldas C.






DNA Structure






  • TIEG proteins join the Smads as TGF-beta-regulated transcription factors that control pancreatic cell growth. Cook T, Urrutia R.




Gene Frequencey (tumor)




  • The protein products of these gene mutations are potential tumor antigens, thus genotype expression can be detected by phenotype. Chu TM.




  • TIEG proteins join the Smads as TGF-beta-regulated transcription factors that control pancreatic cell growth. Cook T, Urrutia R.




RNA structure

  • The amino acid sequence encoded by exon 8 of the human iPLA2 gene is proline-rich and shares a consensus motif of PX5PX8HHPX12NX4Q with the proline-rich middle linker domains of the Smad proteins DAF-3 and Smad4.  Ma Z, Wang X, Nowatzke W, Ramanadham S, Turk J.



Signaling Pathway




 Tumor gene type          



Tumor incidence



Tumor type      

  • The immunohistochemical mucin expression pattern distinguishes different types of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas and determines their relationship to mucinous noncystic carcinoma and ductal adenocarcinoma. Luttges J, Zamboni G, Longnecker D, Kloppel G.