PHP Labware source code viewer / Internal utilities | 29 May, 2024
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LabWiki 1.2.1, 22 August 2012, by Santosh Patnaik, MD, PhD. Based on QwikiWiki 1.5 of David Barrett

// QWFormatIndent
function QWFormatIndent( $indent, $text, $align ) 
	$result = '<div style = "text-align: ' . $align . '; align: ' . $align . '; padding-left: ' . $indent * 25 . 'px;">' . $text . '</div>';
	return $result;

// QWFormatMessage 
function QWFormatMessage( $message )
{ // Just output the message, if it's there 
	if( isset( $message ) ) {echo '<div class="QWResultBox"><img src="exclamationicon.gif" alt="!" />&nbsp;'.$message.'</div>';}

// QWFormatHelp
function QWFormatHelp( $message, $url )
	// Toggle which one to show
	global $QW;
	if( $QW['requestHelp'] )
	{   echo ('	
		<div class="QWHelpBox">
		<img src="questionicon.gif" alt="?" />&nbsp;
		<div class="QWHelpToggle">
		<a href="'.$url.$QW['debugURLSuffix'].'">[ Hide help ]</a>
	} else 
	{   echo ('
		<div class="QWHelpToggle">
		<a href="'. $url.$QW['debugURLSuffix'].'&amp;help=true">[ Show help ]</a>

// QWFormatArray
function QWFormatArray( $name, &$array )
	// Output a titled table
	$out = '<strong>'. $name. '</strong>';
	if( is_array( $array ) ){
		if( count( $array ) ){
			// Output the table
			$out .= '<table summary="formatted array" style="border:1;">';
			foreach( $array as $key => $value ){
					$out .= '<tr><td>'.htmlspecialchars($key).'</td><td>'.htmlspecialchars($value).'</td></tr>';
				else{$out .= '<tr><td>'. QWFormatArray($key, &$value).'</td></tr>';}
			$out .= '</table>';
		else {$out .= ' is an empty array.<br />';}
	else {$out .= ' is not an array.<br />';}
	return $out;

// QWFormatDebug
function QWFormatDebug( )
	// Output lots of data
	global $QW, $QW_REQUEST;
	$out  = QWFormatArray( "REQUEST_VARS", $QW_REQUEST );
	$out .= QWFormatArray( "QW", $QW );
	$out .= QWFormatArray( "HTTP_COOKIE_VARS", $_COOKIE );
	$out .= QWFormatArray( "HTTP_SERVER_VARS", $_SERVER );
    $out .= QWFormatArray( "logs", $QW_LOG );
	return $out;

// QWFormatRelativeDate
function QWFormatRelativeDate( $nowTimestamp, $thenTimestamp )
	// Compute the difference
	$numSeconds = $nowTimestamp - $thenTimestamp;
	$numMinutes = round( $numSeconds / 60 );
	$numHours   = round( $numSeconds / 60 / 60 );
	$numDays    = round( $numSeconds / 60 / 60 / 24 );
	$numWeeks   = round( $numSeconds / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7  );
	if( $numSeconds <  60 ) return "moments ago";
	else if( $numMinutes ==  1 ) return "1 minute ago";
	else if( $numMinutes <  60 ) return "$numMinutes minutes ago";
	else if( $numHours   ==  1 ) return "1 hour ago";
	else if( $numHours   <  24 ) return "$numHours hours ago";
	else if( $numDays    ==  1 ) return "yesterday";
	else if( $numDays    <   7 ) return "$numDays days ago";
	else if( $numWeeks   ==  1 ) return "last week";
	else if( $numWeeks   <   14 ) return "$numWeeks weeks ago";
	else if( $numDays    < 365 ) return "many months ago";
	else return "ages ago";

// QWFormatFileSize
function QWFormatFileSize( $size )
	// Return the appropriate result
	$numBytes = $size;
	$numKBytes = round( $numBytes / 1024 );
	$numMBytes = round( $numKBytes / 1024 );
	$numGBytes = round( $numMBytes / 1024 );
	if( $numBytes  < 1024 ) return "$numBytes B";
	else if( $numKBytes < 1024 ) return "$numKBytes KB";
	else if( $numMBytes < 1024 ) return "$numMBytes MB";
	else                         return "$numGBytes GB";
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