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LabWiki 1.2.1, 22 August 2012, by Santosh Patnaik, MD, PhD. Based on QwikiWiki 1.5 of David Barrett

--- installation ---

1. Uncompress the download and optionally rename it (say, to 'labwiki' from 'LabWiki').

2. Open _config.php file within the uncompressed folder to edit wiki settings.

3. Move the labwiki folder to the server.

4. Rename the three htaccess files at data/htaccess, large_data/htaccess and backups/htaccess to .htaccess to disable folder-indexing and script execution for added security when using Apache webserver.

5. Browse to path-to-server-for-LabWiki/index.php. E.g.,

6. If there are issues with editing/deleting, check permissions for the 'data' and 'backups' (and 'large_data') folders: they should be appropriately writable and executable (typically, will have permissions of [octal] 777 or 755)

--- update ---

Replace all files/folders of the old installation, except the 'data', 'backups', and 'large_data' folders, and the '_config.php' and 'hitcounterlog.txt', and possibly the stylesheet and template files [if they had been edited], with those from the new version. Version 1.2 introduces 3 .htaccess files (see point 4 above); copy them to the indicated locations.

--- features ---


-Data stored in plain text files
-XHTML 1.0 Strict compliance
-UTF-8 encoding
-Backups created everytime a page is altered.
-Files can be uploaded
-Uploaded image files can be displayed inline; others appear as hyperlinks.
-Tested with PHP version 5; should work with version 4.3 and higher.

Formatting rules

-Auto-creation of wiki pages by using the right syntax
-See Adding or editing content for more
-Both XHTML and wiki syntax accepted
-XHTML as well as wiki syntax can be escape by using specific tags to display raw text

Access restrictions

-Open viewing access
-Optional IP address-based restriction on editing
-Individual pages or all pages can be protected from editing unless an administrator password is provided
-Lockfiles prevent simultaneous editing
-Single user account (administrator)


When logged in with administrator password,

-Pages can be deleted
-Pages can be reverted to an older version
-Older versions (backups), by version number or date, can be deleted for a specific page or for all pages


-Most parameters used by the PHP code are set as variables
-Templates and CSS stylesheets (set in _config.php) can easily be modified

--- bugs and fixes ---

For possible updates, follow up at

--- release notes ---

Version 1.2.1, 22 Aug 2012: Minor fixes including those for possible cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.

Version 1.2, 16 Apr 2012: Improved security through disabled script execution and indexing for certain folders. Minor fixes for possible cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.

Version 1.1, 12 May 2011: Many bug-fixes.
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