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Version: 1.7.2
Date: 12 September 2014
Copyright: Santosh Patnaik, MD, PhD
License: GPL 3+


1. About
2. Requirements
3. Installation - clean, and upgrades
4. Customization
5. Components
6. Maintenance
7. Release notes
8. Donate
9. Bugs and issues
10. Importing data from other database systems

Also see help/help.htm


OrderSys is a 'shopping cart' system developed in a biomedical research laboratory for day-to-day use by members of the laboratory. The laboratory places orders for purchase of reagents, instruments, stationery, etc., from many different vendors through a central office. The details on the items and the vendors are stored in OrderSys, and this allows the users to quickly select items they wish to order. An order form is then generated for passing on to the office. Past orders are stored too in the system and one can follow up on placed orders. OrderSys is highly customizable and can easily be used in other settings. IP-based access-restriction options are provided.

You may also be interested in the LabStoRe software for managing laboratory stocks and records -


1. A web server such as the free Apache server software
2. The free MySQL database system on the server computer - version 4.1 or above is required
3. The free PHP webserver module or engine - version 4.3 or above is required

A plain text editor (not Word) or a good HTML/code editor such as BBEdit, JEdit (free -, etc., is needed to edit the PHP code for configuration or modification.

Installation - clean, and upgrades


1. Move the downloaded 'ordersys' folder to the right place in your web directory. You may rename it if you wish. E.g., if placed at the root level as 'orders,' the front page of the system can be accessed at

2. Next, set up an MySQL database. You may call it 'ordersys'.

Use the provided ordersys.sql file to populate the database.

Please look elsewhere for help with general MySQL database and user setup. The free, web-based application, phpMyAdmin (, is a very useful utility for MySQL database administration. There are 'regular' applications too, such as Navicat ( - not free) and MySQL Query Browser (free;

3. Open ordersys/config.php and carefully change the settings as per suggestions in those files. Preferably, use an HTML code editor such as BBEdit, JEdit, FrontPage (in code view mode), etc., but lacking one, a good simple text editor to do so.

4. Browse to Click on the 'Admin' link at bottom. If prompted for login, use 'root' and 'letizia' (password). They are for an administrator account. You should later delete this administrator account and set up a new one.

Now you can start adding items, vendors, etc., and placing orders.

5. For configurating the form fields, go to the Interface Creator section at ordersys/interface_creator/admin.php. It has a help webpage and the folder has a readme file.

6. The ordersys folder should have execute permission, and ordersys/interface_creator/uploads should have write permission as well. If the website fails, check this aspect.

7. With settings in config.php, access to most of the site can be restricted by IP addresses.

Further restrictions, and access restriction to interface creator (as suggested above), can be set up through .htaccess files. A sample .htaccess file is inside 'ordersys' as 'htaccess.' To use, please change the parameters and rename it as .htaccess. (Of course, the web server should have been configured to allow the use of .htaccess files.)

This section describes other security options that are available:

User system and authentication

The user system depends on the 'users' table (or a different table if defined so in config.php) that stores user identities, user-specific IDs (ID_user), encrypted passwords, user type (normal or administrator), etc. User authentication is enabled to a not-maximal extent merely requires visitors to log in before they can insert entries, etc. With user authentication enabled to maximum extent, every new record that is created is assigned the ID_user value, and a logged-in user's ID_user value is matched against it to allow modification, deletion, etc.

Setting $enable_admin_authentication to 1 will restrict access to the admin page, and to the interface_creator admin page, to administrators only as defined in the MySQL 'users' table.

Setting $enable_authentication to 1 will require user login (both administrator and normal users) for inserting, modifying or deleting table entries. Note that this can also be accomplished through .htaccess files.

Because members of a research group are usually in an open-to-each-other community, further restrictions may not be necessary and can cause inconvenience and extra work. It can also defeat a major purpose of maintaining an inventory system (stocks wasting over time, stocks of members who leave the lab may be 'lost,' etc.)

With other authentication settings set to 0, a user can edit or delete other users' entries. With them set to 1, however, restrictions may be placed. For example, with $enable_browse_authorization set to 1, only the user who created the entry can view its details. He (even if an administrator) cannot view the details of entries created by other users or of entries that have empty ID_user values. It is easy to revert from a maximal authentication system to none but the other way may make some entries 'invisible.'

Through admin.php, it is possible to easily reassign ID_user values so a user may inherit another user's entries.

Currently, the only way to share entries is to share the same user name and password.


Upgrading will typically involve replacement of all content of the ordersys folder with that in the newer version. Before upgrading, make a backup copy of the current ordersys folder. After upgrading, (1) edit the ordersys/config.php file to make sure the settings in there match that for the previous installed version, (2) replace the interface_creator/uploads folder with the old one, and (3) replace files such as style.css with the old version that you had edited for customization.


Files within help/ and interface_creator/admin.php were changed. Using phpMyAdmin, etc., please manually edit MySQL tables - item, order, vendor - so the 'ID_user' field is set to 'varchar(64) NOT NULL' instead of 'int(11) NOT NULL.' You can use the ordersys.1.6.2.upgrade.sql file.


Files header.php and interface_creator/business_logic.php was changed, so you can just replace them.


These files were modified from those in version 1.5.6; so replace these -

interface_creator/index.php, index_long.php, index_short.php, business_logic.php

For config.php file, either replace and put back your settings ,or edit your current config.php by adding these at the very bottom (before '?>') -

submit_buttons_ar["copy"] = "Insert a new entry like this";
normal_messages_ar["insert_record_copy"] = "Insert a new entry similar to another";
error_messages_ar["no_authorization_copy"] = "You don't have the authorization to copy this record.";


Replace these folders/files with the ones that were modified in version 1.5.6 - 


Replace these folders/files with the ones that were modified in version 1.5.5 - 
interface_creator/common_start.php, header.php


Replace these folders/files with the ones that were modified in version 1.5.4 - interface_creator/check_login.php, interface_creator/login.php, interface_creator/login_form.php, interface_creator/header_admin.php, interface_creator/ReadMe.txt, interface_creator/help.htm, interface_creator/business_logic.php (2 lines added), interface_creator/functions.php (1 line added), help/ and admin.php.


1. Backup etc. your current database and ordersys directory.

2. Set parameters in config.php. Note that there are some new parameters.

3. Use phpmyadmin, Navicat, etc., to alter your MySQL database:

Delete users_tab table if it exists.

Load ordersys.1.5.upgrade.sql to add new tables 'users' and 'dadabik_users' (required for authentication system) and modify dadabik_table_list (so the 'users' table is recognized as 'installed').

The two steps below are required if you want to enable 'full' authentication ( a user may affect only his/her records)

Modify tables 'item', 'vendor' and 'order' to add a field 'ID_user' (INT(11), NOT NULL).

Then, go to the interface_cxreator/admin.php page to 'add' the newly added 'ID_user' fields for each of the 3 tables, and configure the form for that field such that it is of type 'ID_user' and is not shown in insert/update forms.


1. Backup your old database. The free, web-based application, phpMyAdmin (, is a very useful utility for MySQL database administration, backup, etc.

2. Make a copy of the old ordersys folder.

3. Replace the entire old folder with the new ordersys folder.

4. Then, use a MySQL editor (mysql command-line tool, application like Navicat or MacSQL, or a web-application like phpmyadmin [free]), to create a new table. The new table named order stores order history. The MySQL statement is provided below:


CREATE TABLE `order` (
  `order_id` mediumint(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `total_amount` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `ordered_by` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `comment` text NOT NULL,
  `cost_reduce` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `cost_add` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `modified_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
  `ordered_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
  `reception_status` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`order_id`)


5. Now, edit the table named item. Choose field 'Price' and set its type to real or decimals or float. [Perhaps optional. I recommend you do this. But leave it if it is difficult. Then choose order_date and set its type to date with default as 0000-00-00. Then convert all row values (i.e., for all items, one by one, or using a PHP script) for this field to the 0000-00-00 (yyyy-mm-dd) date format.]

6. Now change all dadabik_ tables and the dadabik_table_list table, and create a new table - dadabik_order. Use the ordersys.1.4.upgrade.sql file. It basically upgrades the dadabik_ prefixed tables, and adds two tables (one dadabik_ prefixed) for order histories, leaving your item/vendor data intact. It also adds a 'users' table needed for authentication (see interface_creator/help.htm).

7. Then follow guidelines for 'UPGRADING FROM VERSION 1.4' above.


See readme.txt and help.htm inside interface_creator for more


The CSS style-sheets that are used are in ordersys/style.css and you can edit them to suit your needs.


By changing parameters in ordersys/config.php, much customization can be achieved. If you wish you can still edit ordersys/header.php, ordersys/footer.php, ordersys/top_part.php, ordersys/bottom_part.php


You can add new fields for the MySQL tables (and thus the forms used to affect the data in the tables) as well as delete the default ones. However, some of the fields are required for the codes to work and if you remove them or substitute them you will have to modify the code.

Everytime a field is added or deleted or modified, you must go to the interface_creator/admin.php page to 'input' the changes into the system. Also, if you add a new field, you may want to configure the form interface by going to that page.


Edit print.php


1. The MySQL database and its tables - see ordersys/help folder for more on the MySQL structure.
2. The interface_creator (ordersys/interface_creator/admin.php) can be used to modify the insert/edit forms that users see. See readme.txt and help.htm inside that folder
3. MySQL connection settings and various other, editable parameters are in ordersys/config.php.
4. Main page is index.php.
5. Help and similar information is in ordersys/help.
6. Export support is provided by export.php.
7. Past orders are displayed using orders.php.
8. Items are displayed using items.php.
9. Printed form is generated using print.php.


Over some years as newer PHP and MySQL versions are released and installed on your system, some of the code may fail. But, with little PHP and MySQL expertise, one may readily fix any problem.

Release notes

Version 1.7.2
12 September 2014
Minor fixes and fix for compatibility with PHP set up with MySQLi instead of the legacy MySQL extension

Version 1.7.1
3 October 2013
Minor fixes

Version 1.7
15 April 2012
Multiple fixes including for SQL injection vulnerabilities

Version 1.6.4
November 2011
Fixed an SQL injection vulnerability

Version 1.6.3
February 2009
Fixed minor bugs

Version 1.6.2
July 2007
Fixed ID_user field value assignment for record ownership authentication

Version 1.6.1
June 2007
Fixed 2 bugs with select_single and new options and one with popup windows

Version 1.6
August 11, 2006
Added ability to copy records as new records
Fixed a window-refresh issue

Version 1.5.6
July 1, 2006
Fixed a login issue arising from missing session_start() command in interface_creator/common_start.php

Version 1.5.5
May 16, 2006
Fixed 'header already sent' issue seen with certain setups

Version 1.5.4
February 10, 2006
Fixed certain login bugs and UTF8 support issues

Version 1.5.3
December 23, 2005
Uniformed all line-breaks (Unix style) and file encodings (UTF-8, no BOM)

Version 1.5.2
December 22, 2005
Fixed bug in a function used to check if logged-in user was owner of a record

Version 1.5.1
December 17, 2005
Fixed bug in password encrypter file
Fixed bug with multiple selection when a record being inserted was marked as possible duplicate but was still inserted by user

Version 1.5
October 15, 2005
Added user-account system
Fixed minor interface_creator issues

Version 1.4
September 27, 2005
Fixed minor interface_creator issues

Version 1.3 
August 28, 2005
XHTML strict 1.0 compatible
Improved interface creator
More customizability
Order history now stored
Many small improvements


If you would like to donate to appreciate and support this software, please use PayPal ( - works in over 50 countries) to send a payment to drpatnaik AT yahoo DOT com

Bugs and issues

Most of the issues are likely to be platform (OS) / browser / MySQL / PHP / webserver-related, and not because of problems with the OrderSys scripts.

IE on Mac will not lay out the pages properly.

Old versions of IE, on PC, may also not lay out the pages properly.

Improper settings in config.php (check for missing slashes (/), commas (,), quotes ('), etc.) and improper or incompatible configuration of form fields (through ordersys/interface_creator) may also give rise to issues.

For debugging, enable the right options in config.php. The error messages may help you troubleshoot the problem. For example, it could be because of your PHP settings and not because of the application logic.

The interface creator that is an integral part of OrderSys is derived from DaDaBik (, and the forums on that website may help you troubleshoot.

I apologize for any code problems in advance.

Newer, better versions may be available at where you may also find support.

Importing data from other database systems

You may wish to import data from a different (than MySQL, or a MySQL system with a different table structure) storage system. To do so,

1. Note the structure of tables in OrderSys and in the other system
2. Modify OrderSys (MySQL tables, forms, etc.) - see CUSTOMIZING THE TABLES AND FORMS above, and/or your current storage system (getting rid of unnecessary fields, merging fields, etc.).
3. After you have matched the two structures, export data from your current system into a format that can be imported into MySQL. The format to choose depends on what software you have. E.g., Microsoft Access databases can be exported to an Excel file that can be imported into MySQL using the Navicat application in Windows.
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