PHP Labware source code viewer / Internal utilities | 11 Jun, 2024
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Version: 1.6.3
Date: 6 September 2014
Copyright: Santosh Patnaik, MD, PhD
License: GPL 3+

$head_extra = $log_status = $table = '';

// MySQL table
$table = 'users';
$admin_check = 1;
include(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/header.php'));

echo '<p><span style="color:#dcdcdc;">', $header_to_show, ' || <a href="help/help.htm" onclick="return popitup(\'help/help.htm\')">Help</a> || <a>', $date, '</a></span></p></div><div style="padding-left: 5px;">';
echo '<table width="750" summary="top" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#efefef; border:0;"><tr><td><b>User management</b><br /><br />';

// New user
echo '<form name="new_users_form" id="new_users_form" action="interface_creator/index_short.php" method="GET" target="poppedfirst" onsubmit="popitup(\'interface_creator/index_short.php\')"><input type="hidden" name="table_name" id="table_name" value="', htmlspecialchars($users_table_name), '" /><input type="hidden" name="function" id="function" value="show_insert_form" /><input type="submit" name="none" id="none" value="Create new user account" /></form>';

// User edit, etc.
echo '<form name="users_form" id="users_form" action="interface_creator/index_short.php" method="GET" target="poppedfirst" onsubmit="popitup(\'interface_creator/index_short.php\')"><input type="hidden" name="where_field" id="where_field" value="ID_user" /><input type="hidden" name="table_name" id="table_name" value="', htmlspecialchars($users_table_name), '" /><p>Choose a user account to edit</p><select name="where_value" id="where_value" single="single">';

// Get user list
$query = "SELECT `ID_user`, `name`, `group`, `username`, `status` FROM `" . add_slashes($users_table_name, 1) . "` ORDER BY `group`, `name`";
$result = execute_db($query, $conn, 'labstore/admin.php');
$user_options = "";
while($row = database_fetch_array($result)) {
  $user_options .= "<option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($row[0]) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($row[1]) . " (" . htmlspecialchars($row[3]) . ") " . htmlspecialchars($row[2]) . " - " . htmlspecialchars($row[4]) . '</option>';
echo $user_options, '</select><input type="submit" name="function" id="function" value="details" /><input type="submit" name="function" id="function" value="edit" /><input type="submit" name="function" id="function" value="delete" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure?\')" /></form>';

// Excel export options
echo '<form action="export.php" method="POST">
<select single="single" name="parameter" id="parameter">
<option value="Excel">Export user account data in Excel format, or...</option>
<option value="CSV">... in CVS format</option></select>';
// Hidden values to pass the mysql query and table name
echo '<input type="hidden" name="table" id="table" value="', htmlspecialchars($users_table_name), '" />
<input type="submit" name="export" id="export" value="Export" /><a href="help/help.htm#export" onclick="return popitup(\'help/help.htm#export\')">?</a></form>';

echo '<p>If you have a fully-enabled user-based system (see \'Security / authorization\' below) and need to re-assign record-ownerships, go to <a href="interface_creator/admin.php#id_user">the Interface creator &raquo;</a></p></td></tr></table><br />';
echo '<table width="750" summary="top" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#efefef; border:0;"><tr><td><b>Interface creator</b><p>The Interface creator section of LabStoRe is its back-end. If you modify the MySQL tables, or add new ones or delete existing ones, you have to \'put in\' the changes in Interface creator. In addition, the Interface creator is used if you need to modify the forms that are used in LabStoRe (e.g., to make certain fields \'required\', or to change the displayed options in a menu).<br /><br /><a href="interface_creator/admin.php">The Interface creator page &raquo;</a></p></td></tr></table><br />';
echo '<table width="750" summary="top" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#efefef; border:0;"><tr><td><b>Current security / authorization settings</b><p>These settings can be changed by editing the <i>config.php</i> setting file in the LabStoRe web folder using a plain text or code editor.<br /><br /><table width="650" summary="top" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#efefef; border:0;"><tr style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;"><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">Login needed for administration ($enable_admin_authentication)</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">';
if($enable_admin_authentication === 1) {
else {
echo('</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">This page and the admin section of the Interface creator section are protected by a login system if enabled. The login account must be an administrative one.</td></tr></td></tr><tr style="background-color:#ffffff;"><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">Login needed for usage ($enable_authentication)</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">');
if($enable_authentication === 1) {
else {
echo('</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">All pages are protected if enabled. Users must log in.</td></tr></td></tr><tr style="background-color:#ffffff;"><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">Users see details of / edit / delete only the records they \'own\' ($enable_ browse / update / delete _authorization)</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">');
if($enable_browse_authorization === 1) {
  echo('Yes / ');
else {
  echo('No / ');
if($enable_update_authorization === 1) {
  echo('Yes / ');
else {
  echo('No / ');
if($enable_delete_authorization === 1) {
  echo('Yes / ');
else {
  echo('No / ');
echo('</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">With \'Login needed for usage\' enabled (the parameter above), a user may view details of and/or affect only those records that are \'owned\' by him/her.</td></tr><tr style="background-color:#ffffff;"><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">IP address-based restriction on display of tables ($all_see_tables)</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">');
if($all_see_tables == 'no') {
else {
echo('</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">If user is not at an allowed IP address, the tables will not be displayed.</td></tr><tr style="background-color:#ffffff;"><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">IP address-based restriction on display of links for adding or affecting items ($all_affect_items)</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">');
if($all_affect_items == 'no') {
else {
echo('</td><td style="background-color:#ffffff; vertical-align:top;">If user is not at an allowed IP address, the links will not be displayed.</td></tr></table><br />Note that some of these settings may work in parallel or in series. You also may have other restrictions, such as <a href="">.htaccess</a> file-based ones, in affect.</td></tr></table><br />');
echo('<table width="750" summary="top" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#efefef; border:0;"><tr><td><b>Help</b><p>General administrative information is available in the <a href="help/readme.txt">readme</a> file that came with this installation. The Interface Creator section has its own administrative information in a <a href="interface_creator/readme.txt">readme</a> file and on the admin <a href="interface_creator/help.htm" onclick="; return false;" onkeypress="; return false;">help</a> page. Some helpful guidelines are also provided in the <i>config.php</i> setting file in the LabStoRe web folder.</p><p>For latest version of LabStoRe, check the developer\'s site at <a href=""></a>.</p></td></tr></table>');

include(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/footer.php'));
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