[BiO BB] Function Search

Chris Moy moyc at mail.med.upenn.edu
Fri Mar 18 15:47:54 EST 2005

Hello All,

I am in the process of trying to mine some of the data to see if there 
is a possible function for a protein of interest. I have  been 
performing PSI-Blast with a whole set of organisms and the process is 
quickly becoming a little overwhelming in terms of trying to make sense 
of all the data. Does anyone have any suggestions about a systematic 
way to get a handle on possible functions for a region of my protein.  
Right now I have limited my search to 300 residues that are just a 
small portion of the protein of interest. Suggestions regarding the use 
of HMMRs and PSSMs are welcome!


Chris Moy
University of Pennsylvania - Department of Ophthalmology/Genetics
moyc at mail.med.upenn.edu

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