[BiO BB] X-compilation of C/C++ programs for Macintosh

Dr. Christoph Gille christoph.gille at charite.de
Tue Oct 25 14:26:22 EDT 2005

Unfortunately, macintosh computers often do not have a C/C++ compiler.
The Java program for protein sequence and structure analysis that I
have developed uses many modules written in C or C++.

Usually, program parts programmed in C/C++ are downloaded as source
and the Java program invokes the compiler to produce an executable
suitable for the OS.

To cope with computer systems that do not yet support C++ I just
developed a simple mechanism to obtain compiled versions that I can
integrate in the program package:

On those Macintosh computers where a compiler exists the program
operates normally.

After compilation the user can upload the executable to my server.
Then I can add the binary installation to the package.

After this the program part can be installed as a binary for all users
and does not need compilation any more.

Does this make sense ?
It is not tested yet.
Do you have a Mac OSX with a C-compiler and would like to test it?


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