[BiO BB] The First African Structural Biology Conference

skwofie at mail.biotech.uwc.ac.za skwofie at mail.biotech.uwc.ac.za
Sun Apr 30 13:09:32 EDT 2006

The First African Structural Biology Conference

Macromolecular Structure, Health and Biotechnology in Developing Countries

The Wilderness, South Africa

24-27 October 2006

The First African Structural Biology (FASB) conference will be held in The
Wilderness, South Africa. The conference will focus on the contributions
and potential contributions of Structural Biology to the development of
science and the creation of wealth in Africa with some emphasis on
biotechnology and the alleviation of the disease burden of Africa.

In particular, the conference has the following aims:

1.      To promote structural biology in Africa, particularly in South Africa

2.      To discuss contributions to the relief of disease, especially, TB,
AIDS and malaria that have been made through an understanding of
macromolecular structure

3.      To provide the opportunity for South African students and
scientists to meet and interact with some of the leading Structural
Biologists in several fields that are relevant to our continent

4.      To explore the merit and practicality of studying macromolecular
structure in Africa

5.      To discuss strategic and funding policies for structural biology
and benchmark South Africa against other developing countries, notably
Brazil and India

6.      To identify projects of interest to the South African community in
which structural analysis could play a role.

The early registration deadline is 1 May 2006. Abstracts are due on 31
August 2006

Expression of interest and registration forms can be submitted online by
visiting our website:


Plenary lecturers:

Tom Blundell (http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/~tom/)
M. Vijayan (http://mbu.iisc.ernet.in/~mv/ )
Ed Egelman (http://www.people.virginia.edu/~ehe2n/)
Peter Kwong (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/vrc/labs_kwong.htm)
Joachim Frank (http://www.wadsworth.org/resnres/bios/frank.htm)
Helen Saibil (http://people.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~ubcg16z/)
Iain Campbell (http://www.ocms.ox.ac.uk/idc/)
Gert Vriend (http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/)
David Rice (http://www.shef.ac.uk/mbb/academic/staff/rice.html)
James A. Sacchettini (http://puffer.tamu.edu/)
Andreas Hoenger
Krishna Murthy (http://main.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=34977)
Ravi Acharya (http://www.bath.ac.uk/~bsssi/cgi/ravi_main.pl)
Karolin Luger
Steve Bryant http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/RESEARCH/res.shtml)
Christian Sommerhoff

Conference Organizer:

Trevor Sewell
Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine
Wolfson Pavilion, Level 3
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Cape Town
Anzio Road
South Africa Tel.: +27-21-6502817
Fax: +27-21-6891528
E-mail: sewell at uctvms.uct.ac.za

Conference Organizing Committee:

Dr Arvind Varsani (arwind at science.uct.ac.za)
Professor Girish Kotwal (gkotwal at curie.uct.ac.za)
Professor Ed Sturrock (sturrock at curie.uct.ac.za)
Dr Muhammed Sayed (msayed at uwc.ac.za)
Dr David Pugh (dpugh at uwc.ac.za)
Miss Eulashini Chuntharpursat (eulashini at uctbc1.uct.ac.za)
Mrs Miranda Waldron (mwaldron at uctvms.uct.ac.za)

Miranda Waldron,
Electron Microscope Unit,
University of Cape Town,
South Africa

Tel +944 (0)21 650 2818
Fax +944 (0)21 689 1528

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