[BiO BB] Tuition-free online bioinformatics training from UIC

Ann Reed areed at imdc.org
Tue Aug 8 13:29:31 EDT 2006

BiTmaP, Bioinformatics Training Program is seeking students for the
Spring 2007 semester. The application deadline is October 6, 2006 and
instruction begins on January 16, 2007. All tuition and course materials
are paid for by a generous grant from the U.S. Dept. of Labor. 

BiTmaP courses are accredited and provided by the University of Illinois
at Chicago (UIC). BiTmaP consists of online lectures and industry
seminars that focus on standard bioinformatics principles and protocols
used widely throughout industry and academia. 

Students complete 3 of the following 4 courses and earn 12-graduate
level credits and a certificate in bioinformatics from UIC. BiTmaP
courses are: Introduction to Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Functional
Computational Genomics and Microarray, Molecular Modeling in

Minimum qualifications for applicants:
1. U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency
2. Minimum B.S. degree, preferably in C.S.
3. Minimum 3.0 or B average GPA
4. Aptitude, enthusiasm or interest in moving to a career in the life

To pre-qualify for tuition sponsorship, send a resume or CV to apply at
bitmapchicago.com. For more information, please visit
http://www.bitmapchicago.com/ or email areed at bitmapchicago.com.  

This program is intended to help re-train American workers, so U.S.
citizenship or permanent residency is required. 

Ann Reed
Director, BiTmaP: Bioinformatics Training Program
Chicago Technology Park

Director, BiTmaP: Bioinformatics Training Program

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