[BiO BB] Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium

Mark Clement clement at cs.byu.edu
Wed May 31 16:43:12 EDT 2006

Call for Papers
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium

Provo, Utah
October 20-21, 2006

Research and development in biotechnology requires the collaboration  
of scientists and engineers in fields such as biology, chemistry,  
computer science, chemical engineering, and electrical engineering.  
This symposium will bring together scientists, engineers and scholars  
from relevant fields with practitioners from industry in order to  
help each group to understand progress made in the area as a whole.
The Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium 2006 will be held in  
Provo , Utah on October 20-21, 2006. It will be hosted by Brigham  
Young University.

Topics of interest include:

Bio-molecular and Phylogenetic Databases
Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic analysis
Drug Delivery Systems
Bio-Ontology and Data Mining
Sequence Search and Alignment
Microarray Analysis
System Biology
Pathway analysis
Identification and Classification of Genes
Protein Structure Prediction and Molecular Simulation
Functional Genomics
Tertiary structure prediction
Drug Docking
Gene Expression Analysis
Biomedical Imaging

An extended abstract or a paper must report significant research  
results, findings or advances within its own field. However, since  
the symposium is geared toward a diverse audience of biologists,  
computer scientists, chemists, engineers, technology transfer  
individuals, graduate students, professors, industry individuals,  
etc., the papers or extended abstracts must be presented in a lucid  
manner accessible to such individuals.  A pdf version of your paper  
can be submitted at http://www.biotconf.org/papersubmission/openconf.php

Extended Abstract Submission
You should submit a two-page, single-spaced extended abstract by the  
submission date given below. Each extended abstract must be in 10  
point type, in 2-column format. The extended abstract must show the  
names of the authors, their mailing and electronic addresses, and up  
to 3 keywords. An extended abstract must contain a paragraph summary  
of work followed by additional sections. Please note that sections in  
an extended abstract must contain enough information so that  
reviewers can judge the quality of work being reported. Thus, an  
extended abstract is like a mini paper. Each extended abstract will  
be reviewed. The accepted extended abstracts will be given several  
weeks after acceptance notification for revisions based on reviewers'  
comments. You must submit an updated camera-ready extended abstract  
following a given format by the date specified below. These extended  
abstracts will be printed in the Symposium proceedings.

Full Paper Submission
You submit a full paper of up to a maximum of 10 pages (following the  
tradition used in the field of Computer Science) by the submission  
date given below. Each paper must be in 10 point type, 2-column  
format. The paper must show the names of the authors, their mailing  
and electronic addresses, and up to 3 keywords on the top page. Each  
paper must contain a paragraph abstract or summary followed by other  
sections. Each paper will be reviewed. Accepted papers will be given  
several weeks after acceptance notification for revision based on  
reviewers' comments. You must submit an updated camera-ready paper by  
the date specified below. The papers will be printed in the Symposium  
proceedings. In keeping with the tradition of the bioinformatics and  
computational biology areas, authors for these sub-fields are  
strongly encouraged to submit full papers.

Journal Publication
The best papers from BIOT-2006 will be published in the International  
Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA).

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: June 2, 2006 (Two pages of Extended Abstracts or  
6 pages of Full Papers).
Acceptance Decision: July 17, 2006
Revised Camera Ready Extended Abstracts and Full papers due after  
revision: August 11, 2006
Symposium Date: October 20 and 21, 2006

Dr. Mark Clement
Department of Computer Science
Brigham Young University
3370 TMCB
Provo, Utah 84602
(801) 422-7608
clement at cs.byu.edu

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