[BiO BB] Finding PMID related to MeSH terms

内田 靖哉 s_uchida21 at yahoo.co.jp
Sun Dec 2 14:01:38 EST 2007

Hello.  I want to obtain all PMIDs related to a
certain MeSH term.  For example,

>From MeSH homepage

search "Liver" 

=> click the "Links" for "1:  Liver 
Year introduced: /cytology was LIVER CYTOLOGY

=> jump to "PubMed" site

Result display:  "All: 327807 Review: 17161"

>From the above result, I want to obatin all 327,807
PMID.  By using this PubMed website, I am only
allowed to download 500 PMIDs each.

Could anyone give me some suggestions on how I can
download all PMIDs at once?  Or better, do anyone
know a FTP site where I can download all related
PMIDs to MeSH terms?

Thank you very much for your help in advance.


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