[Biococoa-dev] Subclass organization

Koen van der Drift kvddrift at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 24 21:58:49 EST 2005

On Feb 24, 2005, at 9:22 PM, John Timmer wrote:

> Yeah - asking for a translation of a protein and getting the protein 
> doesn't
> seem unreasonable, and is certainly safer than getting nil.

I looked at changing that in BCSymbol. I think the most logical place 
would be in initializeSymbolRelationships, for instance:

	symbolReference = [[self symbolInfo] objectForKey: @"Complement"];

	if ( symbolReference != nil || [symbolReference length] > 0 )
		complement = [(BCSymbol*)[self class] performSelector: 
NSSelectorFromString( symbolReference )];

		// add this:

		if (complement == nil)
			complement = self;

Or I can put it in the complement method

	- (BCSymbol  *)complement
		if ( complement == nil )
         			[self initializeSymbolRelationships];

		// add this:

		if (complement == nil)
			complement = self;

    		return (BCSymbol  *)complement;

What do others think?

> I'll put in the BCSymbolNucleotide tomorrow, along with the
> BCSequenceNucleotide.


- Koen.

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