[Biococoa-dev] Sequence Structure

Charles Parnot charles.parnot at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 17:01:08 EDT 2005

I thought a color version of the chat might be easier to follow
charles = purple
alex =green

ok, let's get started on the NSMUtableData?

lots of discussion and kind of stuck right

So what I mean is: you return an NSMutableData, the compiler sees an  
NSData, so you can't modify it.. This is good, but...

yes, that's what I had in mind

but the BCSequence might modify the object later


that was my point

the immutable subclass should alter the data

none of its methods should

sorry should not

The mutable class can modify the ivar, right?

can modify the content of the ivar, I should say

yes, the mutable class

but the mutable class should also return a mutable data object

so the muutable class returns the poiinter to that ivar, right


OK, what if the mutable class returns an NSData (from the header)

the immutable class as well, only casted to NSData

can't we override the method to be typed as mutabledata?

Is there a '-(NSData *)data' method in the mutable class header?

that was the only question I had

12:15 PM
the question was whether you could override: '-(NSData *)data

with '-(NSMutableData *)data

I'm not sure

no you can't

never tried

I tried

then we have a problem

you get a compiler warning

you have to do '-(id)data'


if you look at the NSArray/NSMuutableArray headers,...

you have '+(id)array'


this is because you cant' have +(NSArray *)array

and +(NSMutableArray)array

i get the idea

We should have '-(NSData *)data' for both mut/immut and...

add the method '-(NSMUtableData *)mutableData' to the mutable one

or not

hmm, yes and no

in any case, the object returned by '-data' should be immutable and  
not just cast to immutable

in fact, now that I think of it


oh no, john doesn't like the idea of return an nsdata that in reality  
is an nsmutabledata right

I still don't see the problem

as we don't allow editing of the mutable array directly,

you ONLY need to publish the NSData

if your mutable class returns a pointer to its mutable ivar...

and tyhe user thinks it gets an immutable data...

because remember that ALL editing should go through methods

we shouldn't allow editing of the array directly!!

then the user might keep that object around thinking it won't change

that would make syncing impossible

when it fact it will change as the sequence is edited


12:20 PM
your right

The user WILL NOT edit the NSData but will see it changed!!!


this was my point!!! Yeah, you got it??


so now how to solve it

basically we need the same approach as NSArray NSMutableArray

There is only one way to solve it: return a true NSData by copying it...

how did they solve it then?

that would make it slow

and especially the immutable class is added for performance reasons!

there is another solution


the immutable class don't need to copy it, because it won't change


only the mutable class should copy it


but what you are saying is to have the mutableversion have an extra  
(private) ivar to store the data

to improve performance, like I said in the email, you could still  
retrurn the NSMutableData...

sorry I was following on previous stuff

leaving the other one unused?

let me answer your question


no, we don't need an extra ivar.


We just have to be careful inside the class implementation

the ivar can be a NSMutableData for the compiler, but we would in  
fact use NSData for the immutable

of course, if we call a mutability method on it, we get a runtime  
exception, but it should never happen if we a re A BIT careful

i get it

now, back to above.


to improve performance in mutable sequence, like I said in the email,  
you could still retrurn the NSMutableData...

12:25 PM
but also have a flag to say: next time we return the data or mutate  
the seq...

we can't use the current object pointed by the ivar. Somebody else is  
using it as NSData

so the flag say: netx time, copy it

if next time never happens, no copy!

hmm, that doesn't sound to nice I think, although functional

performance trick are often anti-good code


now, back to the question i had earlier

this is a 'lazy' copy

ok, back to it

how did apple solve the mutable vs immutable code?

in which case?

well, they have NSArray in mutable and immutable form

they use a flag internally. I found that on the cocoadev mailinglist

and NSMutableArray seems to be a subclass of NSArray

these are just header tricks


placeholder classes

just like I did with BCSequence and my recent email

you are saying they are using that lazy copy trick


lazy copy trick??



ah, ok, yes, they are!

sort of

they only make a real copy when it is a mutable instance

it is probably not lazy, though

not sure

so the implementation of '-copy' is

they do a real copy if flag = mutable

otherwise just copy the pointer


that makes sense

and i don't think they defer the real copy in the -copy method

but the situation is different

the user asks for a copy

it should expect to be done immediately

12:30 PM
performance can't be great

yes, you are right

if you ask a copy, you know what you are doing

the thing is that I'm afraid copying is out of the question anyway

don't know...

remember, the user wants direct access to the data

serge seemed to say that this is not that expensive

which can be 300Mb

well, yeah

well, then he should use immutable sequences perhaps

but then the user should use the BCSequence methods

yes, use immutable if you don't want to edit

but then the user should use the BCSequence methods to edit

well, in the end it's inevitable

you don't want the data to change underneath

yes! Inevitable is the word

the concept of mutable/immutabnle is more subtle that it seems at first

this should be documented this discussion

it is

but coming back to a discussion

we could copy and paste the whole chat?

ok, back to the discussion

imagine this to mixed with a discussion about 4 types of sub(sub)classes

mutable vs immutable is already difficult enough

well, you read my email?

i truly believe that symbolsets is our typing

it was a bit complicated, no?


too much\

and remember last time we choose such an approach

yes, I know...

i almost had to phone you to ask how it worked

complicated for the developer does not mean complicated for the user  

i don't like omni graffle anymore


and complicated the first time does not mean you have to alwasy  
rememeber how it works

12:35 PM
if you never have to change it

all fine

anyway, at least you got one of my concern

but the one-sequence-for-all is so much simpler (in interface terms)  
that I think that will pay off big time

probably, yes

i'm willing to give up direct typing

interesting turn of events!!


the wwdc has certainly created some storm

well I'm really enthusiastic about the nsdata

as storage

it's cool!

hafing typed sequences more for the 'expert' user could be fine too

see my last email

no other biox project has it, but I like the idea

yes, if you could wrap it certainly!

i kind of dropped of there

typed sequence would be like the CFArray

for more advanced user!

but that would imply the typed once being the basis and the untyped  
one the wrapper

and I don't like that too much

the otherway around is fine with me

not necessaarily. I actually propose the oppsite, just as suggested  
byu John

yes, exactly totally agree, the other way is better,

as it could live a separate life

read the email

looke at the omnigraffle thingie

I thought to remember that from your email, i did read it

OK, in the grpah, it is really separate, like a plug-in on the side

I didn't get the CFarray analogy therefore

bad analogy


just something more hidden, less needed

This is a better omnigraffle

less friendly

only one arrow

That's good!

and almost straight arrow

but I just didn't feel like thinking too much about it

first, John would like to go for it I guess

12:40 PM
the concept is there. The implementation can be wrapper of placeholder

and second, it's an add-on/plugin so could wait

wrapper OR placeholder


yes could wait or be there and don't care

perfect, the only thing I would like to see is that it doesn't  
require tricks in the "clean" one-for-all bcsequence system

it does not


Well, let's do it


you agree the BCSequence header has ALL the methods?

including -complement

if I have just as much time as you, then we have an even bigger problem

although I would like to spend a few days if I had time

i'm enthusiastic about the discussions, although heated

yeah, i know about 'time';

That would be the consequence of the approach

all methods

ok for the methods

I think we should define a limited number of basis methods

let's see what john thinks

the rest will have to be tools

that's the way it is

but think in terms of strider

yes, the tools/method line

I was thinking of all basic editing simple transformations to be in  

yes, we had a discussiona bout that a few months ago

and more complex things like translations, digestions, alignments in  

that still holds

yes, perfect

although a basic translation method could be there as convenience method

should we copy paste this whole chat to the mailing list?

i'm not sure

it's quite arbitrary

fine with me

it is arbitrary, yes

12:45 PM
I need to get back to work


nice talking to you again, and thanks for making your point clear

I get it now

thanks for listening!!

Have a nice day at work

good night!

I'll copy the discussion to the list


thanks for the copy, don't make it lazy

Cheers Charles,

speak to you later


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