[Biococoa-dev] ANN: new iOS app which uses BioCocoa

Koen van der Drift koenvanderdrift at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 07:15:07 EDT 2013

Hi all,

A shameless plug to let you all know that my first iOS app 'InDigestion' is now available in the app store.  The app allows you to search, download and store protein entries from the UniProt database, show lots of info for each protein, and to help with calculations for protein digestion and peptide mapping experiments.

I'm posting it here since - drumroll - it uses BioCocoa for some of the calculations! To do this, I made an iOS version of the framework, but only with parts I needed, so maybe 20% of it all. Let me know if anyone is interested, and I'll make an attempt to put it on the repository.

You can find it at http://indigestionapp.com.


- Koen.

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