[BioEdu] Research in BioInformatics

Francis Ouellette francis at bioinformatics.ubc.ca
Mon Aug 28 08:07:54 EDT 2006

Julien Peeters wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am a student in Bio-Informatics in France (Université Paris XI) and I
> was wondering what are the most active research domain for the moment
> and in coming years?
> There some domains particularly interesting to study?

Cher Julien.

A few years back, Chris Burge, Ewan Birney, and
Jim Fickett wrote a piece in Genome Technology
which listed the top 10 Future Challenges for
Bioinformatics. I pasted it below. This basically
still hold pretty well ...



BF Francis Ouellette        http://bioinformatics.ubc.ca/ouellette

Top 10 Future Challenges for Bioinformatics

     Chris Burge, Ewan Birney, and Jim Fickett
     Genome Technology (issue No. 17, January, 2002)

1.  Precise, predictive model of transcription initiation
     and termination: ability to predict where and when
     transcription will occur in a genome
2.  Precise, predictive model of RNA splicing/alternative
     splicing: ability to predict the splicing pattern of
     any primary transcript in any tissue
3.  Precise, quantitative models of signal transduction
     pathways: ability to predict cellular responses to
     external stimuli
4.  Determining effective protein:DNA, protein:RNA and
     protein:protein recognition codes
5.  Accurate ab initio protein structure prediction
6.  Rational design of small molecule inhibitors of proteins
7.  Mechanistic understanding of protein evolution:
     understanding exactly how new protein functions evolve
8.  Mechanistic understanding of speciation: molecular details
     of how speciation occurs
9.  Continued development of effective gene ontologies -
     systematic ways to describe the functions of any gene
     or protein
10. Education: development of appropriate bioinformatics curricula
     for secondary, undergraduate and graduate education

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