Main.HowToLoadOntologies History

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January 24, 2008, at 07:57 PM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:

Note: as reasoning with the characteristic defined in the current analysis context is performed right after loading, this operation can take some time. If this proves to be unusable, we suggest to lower the level of reasoning in the relative analysis context before loading ontologies.


Note: as reasoning with the characteristic defined in the current analysis context is performed right after loading, this operation can take some time. If this proves to be unusable, we suggest to lower the level of reasoning in the relative analysis context before loading ontologies.

January 24, 2008, at 07:56 PM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:

Note: current Version 0.3 has the mechanism to automatically import included ontologies broken. Therefore in order for it to work correctly you need to add the imported ontologies for the list. This is important only for ontologies that contain relevant information for your analysis (for instance BioPAX), and will be fixed soon


Note: as reasoning with the characteristic defined in the current analysis context is performed right after loading, this operation can take some time. If this proves to be unusable, we suggest to lower the level of reasoning in the relative analysis context before loading ontologies.

January 24, 2008, at 04:52 PM by -
Added lines 1-3:

How to load ontologies


Changed lines 15-16 from:

Note: current Version 0.3 has the mechanism to automatically import included ontologies broken. Therefore in order for it to work correctly you need to add the imported ontologies for the list. This is important only for ontologies that contain relevant information for your analysis (for instance BioPAX), and will be fixed soon


June 01, 2006, at 07:44 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:

1 Add a new ontology. Prompt the ontology URI, this can be of the form htpp:// to access a resource from the web, or of the form: file:///home/usera/example.owl to access a file (the example shown uses unix conventions)


1 Add a new ontology. Prompt the ontology URI, this can be of the form to access a resource from the web, or of the form: file:///home/usera/example.owl to access a file (the example shown uses unix conventions)

June 01, 2006, at 07:43 PM by -
Added lines 1-13:

0 Select the "Ontology" panel, shown here. Note that after loadiong a context, you may have a list of ontologies already presented here.

1 Add a new ontology. Prompt the ontology URI, this can be of the form htpp:// to access a resource from the web, or of the form: file:///home/usera/example.owl to access a file (the example shown uses unix conventions)

2 Delete the currently selected ontology

3 Load ontologies. The results of this is illustrated next to the ontology list.