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Acronym Full Name Score Rating Judge me Search
ESI Electron spectroscopic imaging 15 12 good bad
ESI exit-site infection 5 10 good bad
ESI electrospray 3 5 good bad
ESI (FIA)-electrospray ionization 1 1735 good bad
ESI electrospray with positive ionization 1 734 good bad
ESI CE-electrospray 1 577 good bad
ESI Extended Services Intervention 1 176 good bad
ESI early syncytia inhibition 1 21 good bad
ESI epidural steroid injections 1 11 good bad
ESI efficiencies in electrospray ionization 1 9 good bad
ESI examined by HPLC-electrospray ionization 1 7 good bad
ESI exit site infections 1 6 good bad
ESI eroded sites 1 3 good bad
ESI electron impact (EI) and electrospray ionization 1 3 good bad
ESI electron spectrographic imaging 1 3 good bad
ESI electron-spectroscopic imaging 1 2 good bad
ESI employing liquid chromatography (LC)-electrospray ionization 1 2 good bad

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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002