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Gene 1 Gene 2 Interaction Type Sentence Value Judge me
Notch DPP interact3 No dominant interaction is observed with sensitized conditions in the Wnt , Notch , Insulin-Pi3K , and DPP signalling pathways . 20 good bad
Notch dishevelled interact1 Genetic analysis demonstrates that the dishevelled gene , which encodes a molecule previously implicated in implementation of the Winglass signal , interacts antagonistically with Notch and one of its 18 good bad
Notch Ras interact3 Reciprocal regulatory interactions between the Notch and Ras signaling pathways in the Drosophila embryonic mesoderm . 18 good bad
Notch Wingless associate1 In particular , in Drosophila , there is evidence that a Su ( H ) -independent activity of Notch is associated with Wingless signaling . 13 good bad
Notch Dishevelled bind1 These novel Notch alleles encode truncated receptors lacking the carboxy terminus of the NICD , which is the binding site for the repressor Dishevelled ( Dsh ) . 7 good bad
Notch decapentaplegic interact2 Genetic combinations between mutations that increase or reduce Notch , veinlet and decapentaplegic activities suggest that the maintenance of the vein differentiation state during pupal development in 6 good bad
Notch DPP interact3 No dominant interaction is observed with sensitized conditions in the Wnt , Notch , Insulin-Pi3K , and DPP signalling pathways . 6 good bad
Notch Wingless associate1 In particular , in Drosophila , there is evidence that a Su ( H ) -independent activity of Notch is associated with Wingless signaling . 5 good bad
Notch DPP interact3 No dominant interaction is observed with sensitized conditions in the Wnt , Notch , Insulin-Pi3K , and DPP signalling pathways . 4 good bad
Notch Dsh bind1 These novel Notch alleles encode truncated receptors lacking the carboxy terminus of the NICD , which is the binding site for the repressor Dishevelled ( Dsh ) . 4 good bad
Notch Ubx bind1 This response to Notch is likely to be mediated by the dTcf binding sites in the Ubx ( VM ) B enhancer . 4 good bad
Notch Delta interact2 This function is triggered by a ligand , Delta , and is implemented by the release of the intracellular domain of Notch from the membrane and by its interaction with the protein Suppressor of Hairless 3 good bad
Notch decapentaplegic interact2 Genetic combinations between mutations that increase or reduce Notch , veinlet and decapentaplegic activities suggest that the maintenance of the vein differentiation state during pupal development in -1 good bad
Notch DPP interact3 No dominant interaction is observed with sensitized conditions in the Wnt , Notch , Insulin-Pi3K , and DPP signalling pathways . -8 good bad
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Text2Knowledge ... Yong Huang 2002