DNA Entry
  • Filter DNA
  • GenBank Feature Extractor
  • GenBank to FASTA
  • Random DNA Sequence

  • DNA Manipulation
  • Reverse Complement
  • Shuffle DNA

  • DNA Figures
  • Group DNA
  • Primer Show
  • Rest and Trans Map
  • Show Translation

  • DNA Analysis
  • Codon Plot
  • Codon Usage
  • CpG Islands
  • DNA Pattern Find
  • DNA Stats
  • ORF Finder
  • Positional Base Frequencies
  • Restriction Summary
  • Simple Plot
  • TestCode
  • Translate

  • Protein Entry
  • Filter Protein
  • GenBank Trans Extractor
  • Random Protein Sequence

  • Protein Manipulation
  • One To Three
  • Shuffle Protein
  • Three To One

  • Protein Figures
  • Group Protein
  • Multiple Align Show

  • Protein Analysis
  • Ident and Sim
  • Protein Stats
  • Protein Pattern Find
  • Protein Molecular Weight
  • Multi Rev Trans
  • Reverse Translate

  • Miscellaneous
  • Acknowledgements
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Download
  • FAQ
  • Figures
  • Home
  • IUPAC codes
  • Reference

  • External Resources
  • Entrez
  • Blast 2.0
  • BCM Multiple Alignments
  • The Protein Data Bank

  • Copyright © 2000 Paul Stothard