About BioMail

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BioMail version 0.70

  • BioMail regularly (weekly by default) searches for articles, which have recently appeared in the PubMed® Medline® database, using customized search terms. Then it emails lists of the found articles to the user.
  • As a result, you can see all the articles in your field of interest without performing the Medline® search manually.
  • An account can have several different searches.
  • Registration and use of BioMail is free and unrestricted by institution or country.
  • This is a beta-version of BioMail, please send your feedback, problems, and comments to Dmitry Mozzherin.
  • For additional information please visit BioMail's home page.

If you have a Unix, MS Windows NT or MS Windows 2000 system with a web-server and Perl installed you can download the BioMail source code and use it by yourself. It is possible to restrict your local version of BioMail to only internal use by reconfiguring your web-server.


Dmitry Mozzherin (dim@pharm.sunysb.edu) - programming and design

Holly Miller (miller@pharm.sunysb.edu) - editor

Alfonso Ali Herrera (alfonso.ali@cigb.edu.cu) - programming


BioMail project
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Copyright © 2000, 2001 Dmitry Mozzherin (dim@pharm.sunysb.edu). BioMail is released under General Public License (GPL)
PubMed and Medline are registered trademarks of The National Library of Medicine. The NCBI disclamer.