Table of Contents

Module: Record Bio/GenBank/

Hold GenBank data in a straightforward format.

classes: o Record - All of the information in a GenBank record. o Reference - hold reference data for a record. o Feature - Hold the information in a Feature Table. o Qualifier - Qualifiers on a Feature.

Imported modules   
import Bio.GenBank
import string
_indent_genbank ( information,  indent )

Write out information with the specified indent.

Unlike _wrapped_genbank, this function makes no attempt to wrap lines -- it assumes that the information already has newlines in the appropriate places, and will add the specified indent to the start of each line.

_wrapped_genbank (
        split_char=" ",

Write a line of GenBank info that can wrap over multiple lines.

This takes a line of information which can potentially wrap over multiple lines, and breaks it up with carriage returns and indentation so it fits properly into a GenBank record.


  • information - The string holding the information we want wrapped in GenBank method.

  • indent - The indentation on the lines we are writing.

  • wrap_space - Whether or not to wrap only on spaces in the information.

  • split_char - A specific character to split the lines on. By default spaces are used.


Hold information about a Feature in the Feature Table of GenBank record.


Hold information about a qualifier in a GenBank feature.


Hold GenBank information in a format similar to the original record.


Hold information from a GenBank reference.

Table of Contents

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