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April 13, 2009, at 04:47 PM by -
Changed lines 4-5 from:

Feel free to start a discussion, ask a question, or request a feature at the MaHCO group forum:


Feel free to start a discussion, ask a question, or request a feature at the MaHCO group forum:

April 13, 2009, at 03:44 PM by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:

Community and Development



Community and Development


Changed line 12 from:

Bug Tracking


Bug Tracking

April 13, 2009, at 03:43 PM by -
Added lines 1-13:

Community and Development


Feel free to start a discussion, ask a question, or request a feature at the MaHCO group forum:

There are two categories:

  • Open Discussion: post messages here if you would like to make a feature request, start a discussion about conceptual matters, suggest changes, or point out any major problems (i.e. those requiring changes in ontology structure, or significant changes in term definitions, etc). For minor errors, such as typos or discrepancies, use the "Bug tracker".

  • Help: post messages here if you have questions about working with the ontology.

Bug Tracking

Bug Tracking: If you find any minor errors (i.e. typos or mistakes in definitions, etc.) you can submit a bug instead of opening a forum discussion. When logged into the the webiste, this option my be found by clicking the little red beetle in the menu in the upper right of the page.

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