[BiO BB] RefSeq ids to gene names

Gaurav Pandey pandey.gaurav at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 13:31:29 EST 2008


Where can I get a text/excel file with a mapping of RefSeq id's to their
common gene names (such as SYN2, SERPINA3 etc), particularly for homo
sapiens? The NCBI ftp site was not extremely useful.

Also, some of the RefSeq IDs I  have are of the form 'Contig30743_RC'. Are
these also RefSeq IDs?

Any help will be deeply appreciated. Thanks!


Gaurav Pandey                                  Email: gaurav at cs.umn.edu
Computer Science Department      Webpage: www.cs.umn.edu/~gaurav
University of Minnesota                    Tel: 612-701-2494

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