[Bioclusters] how are the Redhat product changes affecting existing and future plans?

Matt Temple bioclusters@bioinformatics.org
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 12:31:22 -0500

<< snip >>

> It's left us wondering is SuSe will be the only option... that is if 
> the
> recently announced Novell acquisition doesn't fundamentally change 
> their
> operations.

There's  a good deal of discussion around the web about this -- also
on the business sites.   RedHat "marginalized"?   But what will Novell
do with this?

It leaves a kind of interesting scenario -- with Fedora and
Debian as the best functioning distributions in the original
spirit of Linux.   It's inevitable the someone will try to make
money from Linux.   But with Novell and RH going the enterprise
route, you can imagine that some day they could outdo SCO
by suing their own communities for some infringement on some proprietary
thing they've invented!  Am I being too cynical?  (oxymoron)


Matthew Temple                Tel:    617/632-2597
Director, Research Computing  Fax:    617/632-4012
Dana-Farber Cancer Inst       mht@research.dfci.harvard.edu
44 Binney Street,  M L105     http://research.dfci.harvard.edu
Boston, MA 02115              Choice is the Choice!