[Genquire-users] Re: genquire

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson@gene.pbi.nrc.ca
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 09:15:14 -0600

If it helps, we should have a ~public copy of our Arabidopsis database in a
day or two.  It will be up for only a couple of weeks to allow the reviewers
of the Genqurie manuscript to evaluate the software without having to set the
whole thing up themselves.  I can make the URL available to anyone who
requests it over those few weeks, but I don't want to make it "public
knowledge", if you know what I mean...

Contact me if you want this info.


P.S.  Brian, what are the rules of distribution of the TIGR data?  Our local
Arabidopsis database is created from the TIGR dataset, and I want to make
sure that we will not be breaking any distribution rules by making it
available to the reviewers...  If there are strict rules, can I arrange to
get permission, and from whom?

P.P.S.  It hit me this weekend while chatting with Lincoln that I have
already written 95% of a DAS adaptor layer!  I'm writing a book chapter on
Gequire at the moment, with a fairly tight deadline, so I  can't put any
effort into it this week, but within a couple of weeks Genquire should be
sitting happily on top of DAS also!!  Stay tuned folks :-)  Things are really
starting to come together quickly now!

"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."

Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Bioinformatics Group
National Research Council of Canada
Plant Biotechnology Institute
110 Gymnasium Place
Saskatoon, SK