[Molvis-list] how to get more shades in rasmol?

Michael Sternberg sternberg at anl.gov
Thu Dec 2 16:49:04 EST 2004

On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 06:05:41PM +0100, Trans-Laboratory -- Chemical Analysis Service Provider -- wrote:
>   Just wanted
> to tell you that in the long run RasMol has proved -and shall do- to be
> extremely powerful and well developed, thus to consign it to as your call it
> "electronic dirtheap" is in my view -to say the least- rushing things.

I strongly support this opinion.  Rasmol is very fast to start up and
render, and among the very few programs capable of vector graphics
(Ball&Stick postscript), with quite extensive scripting capability and
high quality output.  I routinely use it to render reaction paths of
several structures on-the-fly from application program format to
animated gif (on Linux/X11).

Most mol-viz program optimise for interactive rendering speed, but no
other program in its class comes anywhere near Rasmol in startup time
and scriptability for its quality.

Michael Sternberg, Ph.D.         | Argonne National Laboratory
phone: (630) 252-7020 fax: -9555 | Materials Science Div., Building 200
email: sternberg.at.anl.gov      | 9700 S Cass Ave, Argonne, IL 60439-4831

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