[Molvis-list] RasWin binary supporting PDB format V3 available

Herbert J. Bernstein yaya at bernstein-plus-sons.com
Sun Jul 15 18:10:11 EDT 2007

RasWin binary supporting PDB format V3 available.

wwPDB staff have contributed the changes for RasMol
to support PDB format V3.   A windows binary, RasWin.exe
based in RasMol was built by Petko Kamburov
at Dowling College, and is available
on http://sourceforge.net/projects/openrasmol along
with the wwPDB source tarball.  Users on other platforms
can build binaries from the tarball.  We expect to
add additional precompiled binaries to the sourceforge
page in early August just after the ACA meeting.
A full merge of these mods into the mainline of
RasMol development to ensure cross compatibility
with older formats is in progress, but users of
current remediated PDB entries are encouraged to
use this new version now.

  Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science
    Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121
         Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769

                  yaya at dowling.edu

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