[Pipet Devel] cvs is up!

J.W. Bizzaro bizzaro at bc.edu
Wed Apr 14 21:59:24 EDT 1999


After many hours of pulling my hair out, I finally got the CVS server up and

theopenlab is running CVS version 1.10.2.

Here is a quick tutorial:

You need to set your environment variable for CVSROOT.  Using bash, you do this:

    export CVSROOT=':pserver:username at bioinformatics.org:/home/cvs'

Of course username should be your login name.  It is the same as for your shell

Then you can login by typing

    cvs login

The server will ask for your password, which is the same as for your shell

Note that CVS is not interactive.  You will remain in your local shell.

I have a fake CVS repository (actually Imlib) for Loci.  The module name is
'loci'.  To "check it out" of the repository, you type

    cvs checkout loci

This will mkdir loci in your local pwd, so make sure you want Loci there.

If any changes are made, you can "commit changes" to the remote CVS repository
by typing

    cvs commit -m 'notes about change' filechanged.c

It is actually dang complicated, and if you don't know it by heart, read the
documentation.  Another option may be to use the client "pharmacy":


J.W. Bizzaro                  mailto:bizzaro at bc.edu
Boston College Chemistry      http://www.uml.edu/Dept/Chem/Bizzaro/

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