[Pipet Devel] Mentioned in The Chronicle

J.W. Bizzaro bizzaro at geoserve.net
Mon Nov 8 19:17:55 EST 1999

"Alan J. Williams" wrote:
> I was just browsing through the most recent issue of The Chronicle of
> Higher Education (Nov 5, 1999).  They have an article entitled, "The
> 'Open-Source Movement' Turns Its Eye to Science" in their IT section.
> Imagine my suprise when I read the following,
>        ... and Loci, created by scholars at the Open Lab,
>        and independent group in Hudson, Mass., to
>        coordinate computer programs that work together
>        on a network.

So, we're being watched!  Everyone, be on your best behavior: tuck your
shirts in, and sit up straight.  Don't make any spelling misstakes :-)

Alan, did you see that in print or on the Web?

                         |        J.W. Bizzaro        |
                         |  jeff at bioinformatics.org   |
                         |                            |
                         |        THE OPEN LAB        |
                         | Open Source Bioinformatics |
                         |                            |
                         | http://bioinformatics.org/ |

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