[Pipet Devel] XML-RPC

A.J. Rossini rossini at biostat.washington.edu
Tue Jul 11 20:24:14 EDT 2000

>>>>> "JWB" == J W Bizzaro <bizzaro at geoserve.net> writes:

    JWB> This is ultimately more important to Piper than it may first
    JWB> appear.  The initial impression that most people may get of
    JWB> Piper is that it is a system for /sequencial/ data flow (the
    JWB> data is passed to the next node only when the current node is
    JWB> done).  If we didn't have Overflow at the core of Piper, this
    JWB> may be true.  But Overflow is such a fast system that we want
    JWB> to include /streaming/ data flow.  Here's an excerpt from one
    JWB> of Jean-Marc's (Overflow developer) recent e-mails:

    JWB> Jean-Marc wrote:
    >> I just thought this might be interesting to some of you, as a
    >> demo of what Overflow can do. I just "wrote" an Overflow
    >> program (.n) that performs real-time audio processing. It reads
    >> the soundcard input, normalized the volume (lowers louder
    >> sounds, amplifies lower sounds), and sends the result back to
    >> the soundcard output. It takes less than 5% CPU on my Athlon
    >> 500 at 44.1kHz/stereo (I use chunks of ~10 ms). Note, you need
    >> a full-duplex soundcard and the latest version in CVS to try
    >> it. Any electric guitar player here would like to help me write
    >> distortions and other effects?

No, it (speed) is quite important.  I'd personally like to stream
megabytes of data (in a statistical, "flat-file"-ish sense) and
process it at the same time.

The only rationale for XML-RPC is "simplicity".  We'll keep it in
quotes, since I'm saying that out of context and it implies a set
decision-making criteria behind it.

Again, I'm not interested in baiting, just finding out what has been
explored/considered, and what the framework is. 

We (one of my "affiliations") are looking into wet-lab
informatics/data processing, as well as cross-institution/group
database collection (wet lab + epidemiological/health services data).
Piper has the right requirements, if implemented reasonably quickly,
to be a tool we could use (and hence consider developing for, or even
just developing).

Glue is good, and fast drying stable glue is better :-).


A.J. Rossini		       Research Assistant Professor of Biostatistics 
Biostatistics/Univ. of Washington  (Th)	Box 357232   206-543-1044 (3286=fax)
Center for AIDS Research/HMC/UW	  (M/F)	Box 359931   206-731-3647 (3693=fax)
VTN/SCHARP/FHCRC		 (Tu/W)	Box 358080   206-667-7025 (4812=fax)

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