[Pipet Users] Re: Pipers

Erik Meusel emeusel at mail.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Tue Apr 17 17:07:28 EDT 2001

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, J.W. Bizzaro wrote:

> I'm the project coordinator for "Piper", but not your Piper :-)
Well. When I wrote my "piper" I looked around using various search engines
to figure out, if something like "piper" would exist anywhere. I didn't
find anything.

I saw what you did and it is your right to mention that you named your
software "piper" somewhat earlier. And I would say ok, I will change the
name of my tool, of course. But there are a lot of people who found my
"piper" using freshmeat and they know the name now.

If you think it's ok, I would like to make a suggestion. Why not have 
benefits out of this funny situation? I would make a link to your "piper"
on my homepage with a comment like this: "there is also a professional
workflow-system available with the name 'piper' you can find it <here>" or
similar. And you put a "there is also a small command line tool available
named 'piper' and you can find it <here>".
Just think about it. If you don't agree, I think I would rename my
"piper". But please think about it.


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