[Proteopedia] Redirect when Java is missing?

Angel Herráez angel.herraez at uah.es
Tue Feb 16 15:47:13 EST 2010

I've got it.
The PP pages include this call when the applet is inserted:

jmolCheckBrowser('redirect', 'http://proteopedia.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page_Static', 

Just commenting it out will prevent the redirect and leave the Jmol.js default warning that 
Java is missing and where to get it.

Since the Static page is unique, I also see better to let the user navigate the (text-only) 
pages freely.

This is what the redirect page says:
You've been redirected to a static version of the Main Page because you don't have Java. 
Java is required in order to view the 3D molecules in Proteopedia. Please download Java at 

This is what Jmol.js would say:
You do not have Java applets enabled in your web browser, or your browser is blocking this 
Check the warning message from your browser and/or enable Java applets in
your web browser preferences, or install the Java Runtime Environment from www.java.com

which, as I said, could be easily made to say e.g.:
You do not have Java applets enabled in your web browser, or your browser is blocking this 
Java is required in order to view the 3D molecules in Proteopedia. 
Check the warning message from your browser and/or enable Java applets in
your web browser preferences, or install the Java Runtime Environment from www.java.com

This screenshot is how it looks (quite prominent, but still lets the other content be viewed):

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