[Proteopedia] Reminder: Use the Proteopedia Email List!

Eric Martz emartz at microbio.umass.edu
Thu Mar 5 12:44:52 EST 2020

I encourage you to use the Proteopedia email list to announce new or 
updated pages in Proteopedia, or related structural bioinformatics 
resources. This email list currently has 89 subscribers. There are 
 >4,000 members of Proteopedia but most are inactive, and many of those 
are students who joined only to complete one assignment.

The address of the email list is 
proteopedialist-for-users at bioinformatics.org

The home page for the list is


(If you received this email ONLY ONCE from a proteopedia.org address, 
and not from a bioinformatics.org address, it means you are not 
subscribed to the Proteopedia list -- go to the above URL and subscribe!)


Eric Martz, Professor Emeritus, Dept Microbiology (he/him/his)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA US
Martz.MolviZ.Org <http://Martz.MolviZ.Org>

Proteopedia.Org Administrator
User:Eric_Martz <http://www.proteopedia.org/w/User:Eric_Martz>
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