[ssml] Slides to demonstrate conservation of protein structure?

Dan Bolser dmb at mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk
Fri Oct 8 06:13:32 EDT 2004


I would like to demonstrate the well known principal that protein
structure is more conserved than protein sequence in evolutionary
time. I am presenting to a group of structural biologists, so I
want to emphasize the bioinformatic perspective. 

My idea for a series of slides is this

1) show two clearly structurally similar (same topology) protein domains. 
1.1) show that the two sequences are very different, and result in 
     a 'bad' sequence alignment (somehow visually).

2) Show a nieve (and hopefully bad) structural alignment of the two
   domains based (nievely) on the sequence alignment.

3) Show a pure (and simple) structural alignment of the two domains.
3.1) Show the sequence alignment based on the good structural alignment.

My idea is to convey the importance of structure in recognizing distant
homology between domains.

I want to use a real example using real tools, but I am not sure how /
which tools to use.Any suggetions? Good demo / bad demo? Naturally I need
this done by yesterday, so the simpler the tools the better.

I will be happy to post the slides somewhere appropriate to share this
work with the world.

All the best,

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