-networks List of files
The given SBML files are loaded into Metannogen and can be browsed offline.
They form a repository of information that can be used for network reconstruction.
Three widely used networks can be referenced by abbreviations, for all other networks
the full URL or file pathe of the SBML file must be written.
- -dictionaryOfSpecies List of text files containing identifier replacements
C00124 C00962 # D-Galactose
C01582 C00962 # D-Galactose
C00984 C00962 # D-Galactose
C00159 C00936 # D-Mannose
C02209 C00936 # D-Mannose
Read: "Replace metabolite C00124" by "C00962".
The value to be replaced is at the left and the replacement is at the rigth position.
The identifiers are separated by white space.
The same can be written in a more compact way:
C00124 C01582 C00984 C00962 # D-Galactose
C00159 C02209 C00936 # D-Mannose
The SBML output will contain C00936 even if C00159 or C02209 appear in the biochemical equation.
- -dictionaryOfCompartments List of text files translating compartment names.
For some reactions the exact subcellular localization may be found in the literature, while for other reactions
less specific information may be found.
Metannogen supports subcellular localizations of individual reactions at level that is
more specific than the final model.
For example there may be evidence that a reaction takes place at a certain
part of a golgi. This information may be recorded by the curator.
But for metabolic network analysis distinction between cis- and
transgoli is not suitable.
cisGolgi golgi
transGolgi golgi
or shorter
cisGolgi transGolgi golgi
The compartment names are separated by white space. The left
compartment name is replaced by the right compartment name. In
this example the SBML output will contain only "golgi" and not
"cisGolgi" and "transGolgi".
During data curation the compartments are recorded in more detail than needed.
- -names List of text files for associating a human readable name to metabolite identifier
The two columns are separated by tab.
- -replaceInEquation List of text files providing a dictionary for metabolite replacements.
This replacement is applied when the network model is generated from datasets. The replacement is performed before the dataset is parsed.
It is possible to replace sets of species by single entries. For example the following line is valid:
LEUKOTRIENE\tleua4 leub4 leuc4 leud4 leue4 leuf4
Having this declaration, typing "LEUKOTRIENE" in the equation is semantically equivalant as typing "leua4 leub4 leuc4 leud4 leue4 leuf4".
This notion might be useful in conjunction with brace expansion for example for transmembrane transport processes.
Please note that in this example the first whitespce is a tabulator and the following white spaces are space-character.
- -replaceWhileTyping List of text files providing a dictionary for metabolite replacements.
The replacement is applied in the text-field for the biochemical equation if the respective option is activated in the Menu-bar>Options.
When biochemical equations are typed, the specified replacements
will be applied automatically after the user has finished typing a
This is triggered by inserting a white space character after the
identifier or by inserting longer text using Ctrl-V or the middle
mouse button.
In the example below C00022 is the KEGG identifier for Pyruvate and pyr my be a display name for pyruvate.
If the user types "pyr" and hits the space bar, "pyr" would be replaced by "C00001".
H2O water C00001
pyr C00022
Loading networks like KEGG or RECON1 automatically activates
replacement of metabolite names by identifiers. This replacement works independent of
the option "-replaceWhileTyping". The identifiers and names are separated
by white space.
- -dictionaryOfSimilarSpecies List of text files associating a representative identifier to similar compound identifiers.
C01342 C00014 # Ammonia NH3 NH4+
C01353 C00288 C00011 # H2CO3 HCO3- CO2
Biochemical reactions are sometimes written in different ways as a question of taste:
Either with NH3 or NH4+ or either with CO2 or HCO3-.
As a consequence, Metannogen may fail to recognize that two
biochemical equations denote the same catalytic process.
This is avoided by providing a dictionary of similar species metabolites and by ignoring H+.
Including NH3/NH4+ and HCO3-/CO2 into the dictionary, for additional 53 reactions in
KEGG an identical counterpart is found in Recon1.
The identifiers and names are separated by white space.
This dictionary does not affect network output. It is only used in the GUI to determine whether two reactions are identical.
- -proton
List of identifiers designating protons.
When two reactions are checked for identity, protons are not regarded.
To recognize that two reactions are equal if they differ only by one H+, the metabolite identifiers for H+ must be known.
This is used for the GUI but does not affect the exported model.
- -datasetForms List of input masks for datasets.
Input masks are free text containing empty variable declarations to be filled in by the curator.
This allows to enter information in a structured form.
All information written in variables are accessible with the API and can be used for the output file.
- -listOfCompartments File with a list of compartments..
This list is used for the compartment selector menu.
- -mapAffymetrixRid file or URL
Mappings of or identifiers to reaction identifiers.
This dictionary is important for two features in Metannogen:
Expression values provided in a -separated_value text
file can be displayed graphically in the KEGG Pathway maps.
Each text line of the data file is assigned to one or several KEGG reactions.
If a text line contains a KEGG identifier then the assignment is straight
forward, but if the lines contain other identifiers such as, Ensembl- or Affymetrix-identifiers
the respective KEGG reaction is found with the use of the dictionary.
The dictionary is also used for highlighting certain reactions in
the graphical map using a list of KEGG identifiers or Affymetrix or Ensembl
identifiers. A reaction is selected by ctrl-left-click the reaction box in the graphical map.
It is unselected by shift-ctrl-left-click.
The file as the following structure:
208308_s_at \t R02740
204704_s_at 202022_at 200966_x_at \t R01070 R01068
In the left column are one or several or
identifiers which denote a gene or an oligonucleotide,
In the right column are one or several reaction identifiers.
Please note, that a respective mapping is already automatically
generated from the KEGG database for human and murine Ensembl
identifiers via KEGG-orthologies but for other species the user
must provide the mapping.
- -customizeAddScriptByRegex File with List of shell scripts
Executing shell command. In general, customizable text can be changed with the option