Starting Metannogen - command line options

Metannogen requires Java version 1.5 or higher. It consists of a single -file metannogen.jar. Further data-files or program parts are automatically downloaded at runtime from the Web-server. Therefore the computer needs to be connected to the internet. The file metannogen.jar can be started in two different ways:
  1. Using the java-command:
      java -Xmx200M -jar metannogen.jar  [options]
    The option -Xmx200M increases the maximum amount of memory allocated by the Java Virtual Machine to 200 MBytes.
  2. Using (): The command javaws acts on the file metannogen.jnlp. The JNLP file may be inspected with any text editor. A modified copy can be saved. It contains the command line parameters and the the value for the maximum memory.

Web proxy
In some institutions all Internet connections are going through a Web proxy (see ). In this case the proxy must be set correctly, otherwise downloading of files from the Web will fail. Detailed explanation is found in "Menu-bar>Options>Internet settings" or by clicking the button "Test Web Proxy" in the start frame of Metannogen.

Command line parameters of Metannogen
Metannogen takes a number of optional command line parameters. If Metannogen is started using the Java-Web-Start mechanism, the command line options are defined in the JNLP file. Some command line options are followed by one or more text files. Files can be given as a relative or absolute file path or in form of an URL.

General format of dictionaries:
For the syntax of most dictionaries two options exist:
  1. Lines with Tab-separated entries: If the dictionary file contains tabulator characters then Metannogen assumes that each line contains a key-value pair such that both are separated by tabulator. The first column in the tab-separated file contains the keys and the second column the values.
    This can be altered with a suffix of the URL or file path. For example appending "(3,4)" to the url, the key will be read from the 3rd and the value from the 4th column (numbering starting with "1").
  2. Lines with Space-separated entries: However, if the file does not contain any tab, then Metannogen assumes that white space is the separator of keys and values. With space as separator, lines with different keys but identical values might be combined to one line. The advantage is, that the resulting file is more compact. For example the two lines:
          C00124  C00962
          C01582  C00962
    can be written as one line (If the file does not contain any tab-character.)
          C01582 C00124  C00962

Metannogen for network reconstruction - non-graphical mode

This chapter explains, how a network reconstructed with Metannogen can be exported using different file formats like SBML. This does not apply to the case that metannogen is used to annotate an SBML file. Though the file export function is accessible in the GUI (Menu-bar>File), the prefered way is to run Metannogen as a command line tool without GUI. This allows Metannogen to be included in shell scripts. Complex pipelines can be constructed to directly couple Metannogen with data analysis. The option "-datasets" and an option like "-toSBML1" are required. The other options are optional. The following command line options are only important under very special circumstances:

Specifying the command line options jnlp file: The command line options are specified in the jnlp file that is behind the Web-start button. This file need to be modified when other program options are required. It can be downloaded to the Desktop and edited with a text editor. When the file is clicked on the Desktop Metannogen is started.