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August 02, 2006, at 05:21 AM by -
Changed lines 22-23 from:
BCToolComplement *complementTool = [BCToolComplement complementToolWithSequence: mySequence];
BCToolComplement *complementTool = [BCToolComplement
complementToolWithSequence: mySequence];
Changed lines 25-26 from:
BCSequence *complementSequence = [complementTool sequenceComplement];
BCSequence *complementSequence = [complementTool
Changed lines 31-32 from:
BCToolComplement *complementTool = [BCToolComplement complementToolWithSequence: mySequence];
BCToolComplement *complementTool = [BCToolComplement
complementToolWithSequence: mySequence];
Changed lines 36-37 from:
BCSequence *reverseComplementSequence = [complementTool sequenceComplement];
BCSequence *reverseComplementSequence = [complementTool
August 02, 2006, at 05:20 AM by -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
BCToolMassCalculator *mwCalculator = [BCToolMassCalculator massCalculatorWithSequence: mySequence];
BCToolMassCalculator *mwCalculator = [BCToolMassCalculator
massCalculatorWithSequence: mySequence];
April 23, 2006, at 12:11 PM by koen -
Changed lines 21-35 from:

To obtain the reverse complement, simply use the code above with a slight modification:
- (BCSequence *) reverseComplement
BCToolComplement *complementTool = [BCToolComplement complementToolWithSequence: mySequence];

[complementTool setReverse: YES];

BCSequence *reverseComplementSequence = [complementTool sequenceComplement];

If the sequence that is passed to BCToolComplement is not a DNA or RNA sequence, the tool returns a copy of the input sequence. This prevents a complement operation being carried out on for instance a protein sequence.
April 23, 2006, at 10:58 AM by koen -
Changed line 4 from:
To obtain some information about a sequence, BioCocoa provides a special class: BCSequenceTool. This class does nothing by itself, but has many subclasses, each for a particular task. For instance, to calculate the molecular weight of a sequence, use the following code:
To obtain some information about a sequence, BioCocoa provides a special class: BCSequenceTool. This class does nothing by itself, but has many subclasses, each for a particular task. For instance, to calculate the average molecular weight of a sequence, use the following code:
Changed line 6 from:
BCToolMassCalculator *mwCalculator = [BCToolMassCalculator massCalculatorWithSequence: [self theDNA]];
BCToolMassCalculator *mwCalculator = [BCToolMassCalculator massCalculatorWithSequence: mySequence];
Changed lines 11-19 from:
Because a sequence can have ambiguous symbols, this tool actually calculates an lower and upper MW limit, both of which are stored in the array the this class returns.
Because a sequence can have ambiguous symbols, this tool actually calculates an lower and upper MW limit, both of which are stored in the array the this class returns. Note that in this case 'average' means the MW is calculated using the average of the weight of each isotope in a atom. You can also calculate the MW using the monoisotopic wight of each atom.

!!!!!Manipulating a sequence
To manipulate a sequence, for instance to get a complement, you should also use a subclass of BCSequenceTool. The complement is obtained as follows:
BCToolComplement *complementTool = [BCToolComplement complementToolWithSequence: mySequence];

BCSequence *complementSequence = [complementTool sequenceComplement];
April 23, 2006, at 10:12 AM by koen -
Added lines 3-11:
!!!!!Obtaining information about a sequence
To obtain some information about a sequence, BioCocoa provides a special class: BCSequenceTool. This class does nothing by itself, but has many subclasses, each for a particular task. For instance, to calculate the molecular weight of a sequence, use the following code:
BCToolMassCalculator *mwCalculator = [BCToolMassCalculator massCalculatorWithSequence: [self theDNA]];
[mwCalculator setMassType: BCAverage];
NSArray * mw = [mwCalculator calculateMass];

Because a sequence can have ambiguous symbols, this tool actually calculates an lower and upper MW limit, both of which are stored in the array the this class returns.
April 17, 2006, at 01:15 PM by Koen -
Deleted line 2:
[[SVN Tutorial]] - Accessing and using the BioCocoa SVN server
April 12, 2006, at 05:19 AM by Mekentosj -
Changed lines 1-3 from:
This page will contain a collection of short how-to's for BioCocoa.
This page will contain a collection of short how-to's for BioCocoa.

[[SVN Tutorial]] - Accessing and using the BioCocoa SVN server
April 10, 2006, at 01:27 PM by Koen -
Added line 1:
This page will contain a collection of short how-to's for BioCocoa.

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Page last modified on August 02, 2006, at 05:21 AM