Main»Essential Concepts Of Phylogeny

Essential Concepts Of Phylogeny

This lecture and lab takes ~45 minutes.

  1. Lecture slides; (This takes 25-30 minutes)

  2. Computer lab exercise (This takes ~15 minutes).

  3. Giant panda and bear's 16s mitochondrial rDNA FASTA; TEXT;
     Who is giant panda's closest living relative? 
     O'Brien SJ, Nash WG, Wildt DE, Bush ME, Benveniste RE. 
     A molecular solution to the riddle of the giant panda's phylogeny. 
     Nature. 1985 Sep 12-18;317(6033):140-4.
   ZIP file for MEGA4; 

4 Online Phylogeny Construction, Marseille, France

View the spread of SARS-CoV in Google earth (Link is disfunctional now)