

What is the IDEAs platform?

IDEAs is short for Interactions, Domains, Experiments and Annotations. The intention is to provide an easy way to search for public data on interactions between biological entities of interest (e.g. genes), optionally to search your own project-specific interactions in the same query, and once interactions of interest have been found, to visualise experimental results data (e.g. gene expression) for the interacting partners.

How do I search nodes?

If you click on the tab labelled 'Nodes', you can enter the names of genes or other biological entities of interest. If you choose the BioGrid search from the 'Edges' tab, your query will be sent to BioGrid. If you have installed your own IDEAs database, with your own network of nodes, your own database will also be searched. The results of the search will be a subgraph of edges between your nodes of interest and other interacting nodes. You can adjust the search for edges using the 'Edges' tab.

How do I search edges?

If you click the 'Edges' tab, there is an option to upload a list of edges in tab-separated format. The nodes in these edges will also be used to form the query.

What is BioGrid? is a curated database of published physical and genetic interactions between proteins and genes in many organisms.

How do I show my own edges?

If you click the 'Edges' tab, there is an option to upload a list of edges in tab-separated format. The nodes in these edges will also be used to form the query, and will be displayed in a distinct colour in the results graph.

How do I show my own expression data?

If you click on the 'Upload' tab, there is an opportunity to load a tab-separated file of experimental results data (e.g. gene expression). Once you have done this, then you can click on any node in the subnetwork results of a search, and see your own expression data plotted.