[BiO BB] how to fetch sequences from web

Peri Suraj bioinfo_india at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 4 07:16:14 EST 2002

Dear members, 
   Batch Entrez is a good source and a powerful tool.
But the only problem is difference in accession
numbers.  Consider a list of 500 sequences obtained
from searching Mascot server ( Mass spec data) and all
the seq. are reported on the basis of GI numbers. So
if I submit all these GI to batch entrez i get ~600
sequences. So this GI adds redundancy to my retreived
list. And the second problem is that the retrieved
list will be jumbled. 
  So this simple GI numbers some times add more work
!So a inbuilt filter in BATCH ENTREZ will be a great
tool !


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