[BiO BB] how to work on two txt files simultaneously by handle corresponding lines from each file

Alex Zhang mayagao1999 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 18 17:06:10 EDT 2005

Dear All,

Sorry to bother you again.

I have two txt files to handle. One is
"short_sequences" and the other
one is "long_sequences". The "short_sequences" holds
100 short sequences (8 nucleotide long) and 100 long
sequences (200 nucleotide long) in the

For example, the first short sequence is "TTGACATA"
and the first long sequence is

Basically, I want to generate a random position as a
starting site to replace a substring
in the long sequence with a short sequence. In this
example, we can choose a starting site
as 5th nucleotide in the long sequence, after
replacing using "TTGACATA", the replaced
long sequence is

Then I want replace the 2nd long sequence with the 2nd
short sequence and then repeat this over and over
again until the last long sequence is reached and
replaced. I think the only problem is that the
starting site should not be larger than 193.
Otherwise, there are
not enough nucleotides in the long sequence for

Furthurmore, I want to keep track the starting
replacement site for each long sequence.

I am copying my code in the below. 
use strict;
use warnings;

my (@short, @long, $offset); # the 'short' array will
hold the short
                            #sequences while 'long'
array the long sequences

open(FILE1, '<', "short_sequences.txt") || die "Can't
open short_sequences.txt: $!\n";
   push(@short, $_);
close FILE1; #Close the file

open(FILE2, '<', "long_sequences.txt")  || die "Can't
open long_sequences.txt: $!\n";
   push(@long, $_);
close FILE2; #Close the file

# replacement
foreach my $short(@short){
   foreach my $long(@long){
       $offset = int(rand(length($long)%193));
       printf "%3d", $offset+1;
       print "\n", $long, "\n";


But I just realized that there is a problem for the
loops. The problem is that each short sequence will be
used to replace all long sequences not the
corresponding one. 

So I seek your suggestions on how to handle two files
simultaneously for my case. 

Thank you very much and look forward to your reply!

Best Regards,

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