Basic Information
Gene ID ENSTSYG00000009292
Gene Name ENSTSYG00000009292
Full Name ENSTSYG00000009292
Organism Tarsius syrichta [9478]

Cross Reference
UniProt NULL UniGene NULL

Protein Interactions

Transcript ID
Protein ID
Gene ID

InterPro Annotation
Protein Program Term IPRS Start End Score Description
ENSTSYP00000008536 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR011598 11 56 1.40e-10 Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain
ENSTSYP00000008536 Pfam PF00010 IPR011598 19 55 8.40e-10 Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain
ENSTSYP00000008536 ProSiteProfiles PS50888 IPR011598 18 69 0.00e-00 Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain
ENSTSYP00000008536 SMART SM00353 IPR011598 24 66 5.70e-04 Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain
ENSTSYP00000008536 SUPERFAMILY SSF47459 IPR011598 10 56 0.00e-00 Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain

Pfam Annotation
Protein Pfam ID E.value Name Description
ENSTSYP00000008536 PF00010 8.4e-10 HLH Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain

Gene Ontology Annotation
Protein Entry Name Space Description
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0006366 biological_process transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0006461 biological_process protein complex assembly
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0006978 biological_process DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0008285 biological_process negative regulation of cell proliferation
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0043065 biological_process positive regulation of apoptotic process
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0043066 biological_process negative regulation of apoptotic process
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0043392 biological_process negative regulation of DNA binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0043922 biological_process negative regulation by host of viral transcription
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0043923 biological_process positive regulation by host of viral transcription
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0045736 biological_process negative regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0045892 biological_process negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0045893 biological_process positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0071157 biological_process negative regulation of cell cycle arrest
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0071549 biological_process cellular response to dexamethasone stimulus
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:2001269 biological_process positive regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0005634 cellular_component nucleus
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0017053 cellular_component transcriptional repressor complex
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0000978 molecular_function RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0001077 molecular_function RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcription
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0003677 molecular_function DNA binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0003705 molecular_function RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0003713 molecular_function transcription coactivator activity
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0005515 molecular_function protein binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0042803 molecular_function protein homodimerization activity
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0042826 molecular_function histone deacetylase binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0043565 molecular_function sequence-specific DNA binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0044212 molecular_function transcription regulatory region DNA binding
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0046982 molecular_function protein heterodimerization activity
ENSTSYP00000008536 GO:0070888 molecular_function E-box binding

TAXID Organism Gene ID TAXID Organism Gene ID
9796 Equus caballus 100069711 59463 Myotis lucifugus 102420659
69293 Gasterosteus aculeatus ENSGACG00000011329 9031 Gallus gallus ENSGALG00000027823
9669 Mustela putorius furo ENSMPUG00000015023 9813 Procavia capensis ENSPCAG00000011134
9483 Callithrix jacchus 100391868 9646 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 100474477
28377 Anolis carolinensis 100556024 9785 Loxodonta africana 100663165
10141 Cavia porcellus 100718065 10029 Cricetulus griseus 100751080
9305 Sarcophilus harrisii 100925765 30611 Otolemur garnettii 100944090
9597 Pan paniscus 100983876 9555 Papio anubis 101005019
39432 Saimiri boliviensis 101043319 9685 Felis catus 101095461
9595 Gorilla gorilla 101146500 8090 Oryzias latipes 101175405
43179 Ictidomys tridecemlineatus 101973956 8083 Xiphophorus maculatus 102231357
10116 Rattus norvegicus 360482 10020 Dipodomys ordii ENSDORG00000004656
9365 Erinaceus europaeus ENSEEUG00000006004 9371 Echinops telfairi ENSETEG00000008634
8049 Gadus morhua ENSGMOG00000014930 7897 Latimeria chalumnae ENSLACG00000000328
9315 Macropus eugenii ENSMEUG00000000888 9103 Meleagris gallopavo ENSMGAG00000009411
9258 Ornithorhynchus anatinus ENSOANG00000019858 9986 Oryctolagus cuniculus ENSOCUG00000024550
9978 Ochotona princeps ENSOPRG00000001061 9601 Pongo abelii ENSPPYG00000007054
13735 Pelodiscus sinensis ENSPSIG00000009002 9598 Pan troglodytes ENSPTRG00000007713
132908 Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG00000005418 37347 Tupaia belangeri ENSTBEG00000014089
59729 Taeniopygia guttata ENSTGUG00000003940 99883 Tetraodon nigroviridis ENSTNIG00000009740
31033 Takifugu rubripes ENSTRUG00000006111 9739 Tursiops truncatus ENSTTRG00000002710
30538 Vicugna pacos ENSVPAG00000008001