Accepts template sequences in GenBank, EMBL, FASTA, or raw format.
Displays the reverse and forward translations specified in a GenBank or
EMBL entry.
Uses the protein sequences specified in the GenBank or EMBL entry rather
than computing new translations (avoids the need to obtain the proper genetic
For FASTA and raw files the translations can be shown for reading frame
one, reading frames one to three, or all six reading frames.
Restriction sites can be shown, and a summary of restriction site positions
is available.
Primer annealing sites can be shown for the forward and reverse template
strands, and a summary of primer sites is available.
Imperfect primer sites can be found.
The html contains nested JavaScript code. This code allows you to point
to a restriction site, primer, or translation (for GenBank or EMBL translations)
to view more information about its position and characteristics.
You can click on two restriction site labels in the figure to cause the
sequence between them to appear in a separate window. Use this feature
to obtain the sequence of a restriction digest fragment.
You can click on two primers in the figure (one annealing to the forward
strand and one annealing to the reverse strand) to cause the predicted
PCR product to appear in a separate window. The sequence of the primers
is incorporated into the product.
If the template sequence is a GenBank or EMBL record you can retrieve spliced
coding sequences, coding sequences highlighted in uppercase, and translations
from the figure using the supplied links.
Sequence Extractor copyright © 2006 Paul Stothard