[Pipet Devel] GConf, Loci, pickles, etc.

Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at hermes.usherb.ca
Wed May 31 00:14:16 EDT 2000

> This was bounced around on the Loci list in yonder days gone past, but I
> haven't heard from Jarl or Jean-Marc.  Basically, there were many shrills on
> the other list about using anything that resembled the M$ regi$try.

I don't know enough about GConf to comment about the technology, but I don't
like to depend too much on gnome (or any other desktop). Plus, I don't think a
registry-like system would be very good when it comes to exporting piper
> Also, I will continue to stress that we don't want a dependency on a desktop
> system for the CORE of Piper.  I hope that Piper can be installed, configured
> and ran without the REQUIREMENT of a GUI.  Using GConf for the Gnome UI
> (Pied/Piper) is fine with me, just not for everything else.

Same for me!


Jean-Marc Valin
Universite de Sherbrooke - Genie Electrique
valj01 at gel.usherb.ca

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