Basic Information
Gene ID 740214
Gene Name ZNF48
Full Name Zinc finger protein 48
Organism Pan troglodytes [9598]

Cross Reference
UniProt H2QAX4 UniGene NULL
KEGG ptr:740214 UCSC NULL

Protein Interactions

Transcript ID
Protein ID
Gene ID

InterPro Annotation
Protein Program Term IPRS Start End Score Description
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 114 141 3.50e-17 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 142 168 4.00e-15 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 188 211 6.10e-15 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 212 245 3.00e-17 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 273 304 5.30e-13 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 305 331 8.00e-17 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 332 350 4.90e-13 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 351 382 2.90e-12 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 447 470 1.40e-14 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 471 505 5.20e-17 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 541 571 6.90e-16 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 572 593 2.30e-11 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 114 134 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 142 162 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 194 214 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 222 242 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 277 297 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 305 325 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 333 353 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 361 381 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 453 473 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 481 501 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 545 565 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 573 593 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 112 139 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 140 167 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 192 219 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 220 247 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 275 302 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 303 330 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 331 358 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 359 386 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 451 478 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 479 506 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 543 570 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 571 598 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 112 134 2.00e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 140 162 2.10e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 192 214 1.40e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 220 242 1.80e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 275 297 4.90e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 303 325 1.40e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 331 353 1.30e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 359 381 3.80e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 451 473 1.10e-06 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 479 501 1.30e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 543 565 3.10e-06 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSPTRP00000013671 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 571 593 1.80e-04 Zinc finger, C2H2-like

Pfam Annotation
Protein Pfam ID E.value Name Description
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF00096 0 zf-C2H2 Zinc finger, C2H2 type
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF13465 0 zf-H2C2_2 Zinc-finger double domain
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF13894 6.7963e-43 zf-C2H2_4 C2H2-type zinc finger
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF13912 2.9e-36 zf-C2H2_6 C2H2-type zinc finger
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF12171 1.7e-28 zf-C2H2_jaz Zinc-finger double-stranded RNA-binding
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF01286 2.8e-12 XPA_N XPA protein N-terminal
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF05605 1.2e-07 zf-Di19 Drought induced 19 protein (Di19), zinc-binding
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF12773 1.3e-07 DZR Double zinc ribbon
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF14446 4.1e-07 Prok-RING_1 Prokaryotic RING finger family 1
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF00130 8.8e-07 C1_1 Phorbol esters/diacylglycerol binding domain (C1 domain)
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF14369 1.8e-06 zf-RING_3 zinc-finger
ENSPTRP00000013671 PF09538 0.00028 FYDLN_acid Protein of unknown function (FYDLN_acid)

Gene Ontology Annotation
Protein Entry Name Space Description
ENSPTRP00000013671 GO:0006351 biological_process transcription, DNA-templated
ENSPTRP00000013671 GO:0006355 biological_process regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
ENSPTRP00000013671 GO:0005634 cellular_component nucleus
ENSPTRP00000013671 GO:0003677 molecular_function DNA binding
ENSPTRP00000013671 GO:0046872 molecular_function metal ion binding

TAXID Organism Gene ID TAXID Organism Gene ID
9597 Pan paniscus 100967823 9555 Papio anubis 101024109
39432 Saimiri boliviensis 101052679 9685 Felis catus 101094559
9669 Mustela putorius furo 101692136 10090 Mus musculus 233887
9615 Canis familiaris 489901 10141 Cavia porcellus ENSCPOG00000001104
9365 Erinaceus europaeus ENSEEUG00000007444 59463 Myotis lucifugus ENSMLUG00000006394
9813 Procavia capensis ENSPCAG00000009103 37347 Tupaia belangeri ENSTBEG00000017178
9646 Ailuropoda melanoleuca ENSAMEG00000007850 9913 Bos taurus ENSBTAG00000031806
9358 Choloepus hoffmanni ENSCHOG00000003938 10020 Dipodomys ordii ENSDORG00000013148
9785 Loxodonta africana ENSLAFG00000008821 9544 Macaca mulatta ENSMMUG00000029159
9986 Oryctolagus cuniculus ENSOCUG00000013651 30611 Otolemur garnettii ENSOGAG00000025584
132908 Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG00000008657 10116 Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOG00000017837
42254 Sorex araneus ENSSARG00000003987 43179 Ictidomys tridecemlineatus ENSSTOG00000021915
9478 Tarsius syrichta ENSTSYG00000007365 9739 Tursiops truncatus ENSTTRG00000017273
30538 Vicugna pacos ENSVPAG00000000334