Basic Information
Gene ID ENSMMUG00000006773
Gene Name FIZ1
Full Name Uncharacterized protein
Organism Macaca mulatta [9544]

Cross Reference
UniProt F7H3P5 UniGene NULL

Protein Interactions

Transcript ID
Protein ID
Gene ID

InterPro Annotation
Protein Program Term IPRS Start End Score Description
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 101 130 2.40e-09 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 22 52 1.20e-09 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 342 373 8.40e-13 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 374 393 3.80e-08 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 394 424 1.80e-10 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 53 80 3.30e-13 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013087 81 100 7.10e-12 Zinc finger C2H2-type/integrase DNA-binding domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 Pfam PF00096 IPR007087 400 422 7.50e-06 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 108 130 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 25 45 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 290 311 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 346 366 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 374 394 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 402 422 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 53 73 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSitePatterns PS00028 IPR007087 81 101 - Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 107 135 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 23 50 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 261 287 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 288 311 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 344 371 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 372 399 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 400 426 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 51 78 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 ProSiteProfiles PS50157 IPR007087 79 106 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, C2H2
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 107 130 1.60e-04 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 153 180 5.00e-01 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 23 45 2.00e-06 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 261 282 8.20e-02 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 288 311 9.70e-03 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 344 366 2.90e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 372 394 1.40e-03 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 400 422 3.80e-06 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 51 73 2.10e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like
ENSMMUP00000008911 SMART SM00355 IPR015880 79 101 4.60e-05 Zinc finger, C2H2-like

Pfam Annotation
Protein Pfam ID E.value Name Description
ENSMMUP00000008911 PF13465 1.5e-33 zf-H2C2_2 Zinc-finger double domain
ENSMMUP00000008911 PF00096 1e-31 zf-C2H2 Zinc finger, C2H2 type
ENSMMUP00000008911 PF13894 2e-24 zf-C2H2_4 C2H2-type zinc finger
ENSMMUP00000008911 PF12171 5.6e-15 zf-C2H2_jaz Zinc-finger double-stranded RNA-binding
ENSMMUP00000008911 PF13912 1.9e-13 zf-C2H2_6 C2H2-type zinc finger
ENSMMUP00000008911 PF12874 2.3e-05 zf-met Zinc-finger of C2H2 type

Gene Ontology Annotation
Protein Entry Name Space Description
ENSMMUP00000008911 GO:0006351 biological_process transcription, DNA-templated
ENSMMUP00000008911 GO:0006355 biological_process regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
ENSMMUP00000008911 GO:0005634 cellular_component nucleus
ENSMMUP00000008911 GO:0003676 molecular_function nucleic acid binding
ENSMMUP00000008911 GO:0003677 molecular_function DNA binding
ENSMMUP00000008911 GO:0046872 molecular_function metal ion binding

TAXID Organism Gene ID TAXID Organism Gene ID
9555 Papio anubis 101025375 10116 Rattus norvegicus 292584
10020 Dipodomys ordii ENSDORG00000003689 9371 Echinops telfairi ENSETEG00000000195
9785 Loxodonta africana ENSLAFG00000008686 9315 Macropus eugenii ENSMEUG00000005526
9615 Canis familiaris 100856606 9597 Pan paniscus 100988839
39432 Saimiri boliviensis 101031054 43179 Ictidomys tridecemlineatus 101965329
9598 Pan troglodytes 456307 9796 Equus caballus ENSECAG00000020509
9685 Felis catus ENSFCAG00000022430 30608 Microcebus murinus ENSMICG00000007710
9669 Mustela putorius furo ENSMPUG00000007315 30611 Otolemur garnettii ENSOGAG00000025943
132908 Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG00000004550 9305 Sarcophilus harrisii ENSSHAG00000003876
9823 Sus scrofa ENSSSCG00000022936